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    The 29th, 30th, 31st, and 32nd Royal Houses

    By Kippy Marks–

    When a candidate campaigns to become a Grand Duke or Grand Duchess, there is always a representation of colors that allows voters to know whom they are voting for. In most cases, candidates will also have a “catchphrase” and a coronation theme for their step-down. Here is a look back at what those were from 2001–2004.


    The 29th Royal House of Harmony and Happiness
    Grand Duke XXVIII Brad Sprankle
    Colors: none
    Symbol: coral snake
    Grand Duchess XXIX Carlotta Osmon (deceased)
    Colors: none
    Symbol: golden mermaid
    Coronation Theme: “A Russian Tropical Paradise”

    As mentioned in the previous column, Carlotta was the very first Miss Debutante during the reign of Grand Duchess China Silk and Grand Duke Michael Parsons of the 27th Royal House.

    Carlotta would then go on to become Grand Duchess XXIX. During her reign, Carlotta created a fundraising event titled Hooray for The Red, White, and Blue. The fundraiser has raised vital funds for Tenderloin Tessie, and the Board of Directors continues to carry this annual fundraiser in honor of Grand Duchess XXIX.


    The 30th Royal House of The Romanoff Eagle and Faberge Pearl
    Grand Duke XXIX Alexander Romanoff I (deceased)
    Colors: none
    Symbol: Romanoff eagle
    Grand Duchess XXX Diva LaFever Faberge-Romanoff
    Colors: none
    Symbol: triple diamond black pearl
    This Royal House is considered by this writer to be one of the most important of all the Royal Houses. Why, you may ask?

    The court focused its attention to raising funds for the construction of the new LGBT Center built on Market Street. Alex would go on to become the President of the Grand Ducal Council and Diva would become CFO of the Executive Board. It was due to Alex’s legal knowledge and his efforts that the New Corporation was established in 1993.

    Diva LaFever holds the last title to be bestowed by the Tavern Guild when they closed their doors in 1995. During the 25th Reign (David) Diva LaFever would become President of the BOD and would remain president until he was elected Grand Duchess XXX, when he and Alex had to step down from the BOD. After their step-down, they extended the BOD to allow for a more diverse membership other than the same five people. The Trustees and Executive Boards were then created. (There had been an Executive Board consisting of Alex, Lee Raymond, and Kitty Litter, who also served on the BOD.) This was all implemented during the 32nd reign. David has served in many positions on the Executive Board, but after Tom Galante’s sudden death, David became CFO on top of his COO position. It is noted that Grand Duke XXIX Alexander Romanoff I and Grand Duchess XXX Diva LaFever raised $10,000 for the LGBTQ Center’s construction.

    Click to Enlarge


    The 31st Royal House of Salt and Pepper
    Grand Duke XXX “Just Jeff
    Colors: none
    Symbol: leather piglet
    Grand Duchess XXXI Donna Rea
    Colors: none
    Symbol: black onyx feline
    Coronation Theme: “A Royal Masquerade Ball in Red Square”
    At the end of the 31st reign, for the first time in Ducal History Grand Duke XXX “Just Jeff” would be the sole Monarch to step down.


    The 32nd Royal House of Myth and Mayhem
    Former Grand Duke Mike Manicotti
    Colors: ruby red and gold
    Symbol: gargoyle and griffin
    Grand Duchess XXXII Sophilya Leggz
    Colors: ruby red and gold
    Symbol: gargoyle and griffin
    Favorite saying: “Being Grand Duchess and a buck fifty will get you on the Muni!”
    Coronation Theme: “A Russian Gypsy Circus Comes to San Francisco”

    Grand Duchess XXXI Sophilya Leggz is the current president of the BOD of The Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco, and has served in this role 6 times. Sophilya created the annual Mother’s Day event Mommy Dearest: The Resurrection of Joan Crawford, which continues its run to date. Sophilya has received every award that the BOD and the Court annually presents.

    Sophilya’s dedication of service to the organization continues to be an inspiration to current and future organization membership. Sophilya is also a very accomplished musician and I have had the pleasure of performing with her on several occasions.

    On September 22, 2023, the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco will celebrate 50 years of Camp and Fundraising. The celebration will take place at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Please consider becoming a sponsor.


    Tickets ($60) are on sale through August 25, 2023, with a hard stop on that final date. We hope to see you at this once-in-a-lifetime historic event!

    Kippy Marks is Grand Duke XL of The Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco. He is the first ever elected African-American Grand Duke.

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco
    Published on March 23, 2023