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    The Stud is Set to Reopen in Spring 2024 at 1123–1125 Folsom Street

    Both city and state officials, including Senator Scott Wiener, Mayor London Breed, and Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, along with members of The Stud co-op, were present at a September 5, 2023, event announcing that The Stud has secured a new home at 1123–1125 Folsom Street. The South of Market site most recently was the location for the pop-up Golden Girls Kitchen and previously housed the Trademark sports bar and Julie’s Supper Club.  

    The Stud’s new location at 1123-1125 Folsom Street

    The Stud, started by associates George Matson and Alexis Muir on May 27, 1966, is said by the present owners to be “San Francisco’s oldest queer bar.” It was originally at 1535 Folsom, so the new location—set to open in Spring 2024—will be very close to the original landmark site. (The Stud in 1987 moved to Ninth and Harrison Streets before closing in May 2020.)

    A new video about The Stud includes a “thank you to all the members of The Stud co-op that have kept The Stud alive.” The listed members are: Jerry Lee Abram, Nate Allbee, Marke Bieschke, John Foster Cartwright, Cornelius (VivvyAnneFoeverMORE), Maria Davis, Paul Dillinger, Bernadette Fons, Houston Gilbert, Terra Haywood, Logan Jonas, Honey Mahogany, Oscar Pineda, Rachel Ryan, Neven Raja Samara, and David Schnur.

    Mayor London Breed and other civic and elected leaders announced plans for the reopening of The Stud.

    The video adds “a very special thank you to all the Studettes out there. You make The Stud the special place that it is.”

    In a related piece called “The Return of The Stud,” the organizers share: “The new location will be double the size of our notoriously crowded old space, we’ll have two bars, a new stage and sound system … and best of all, multiple working toilets (no more having to squat in the piss trough, ladies). And we’re definitely bringing back the crazy collections of queer chotchkies that made the design of The Stud so awesome.”

    QBar located on Castro Street has announced plans to reopen in early 2024.

    This was also added in a pitch for monetary support, under the subhead “Why Should I Help?” The answer? “Because you love The Stud. And you love our vibrant Queer Community. And you love this city. There’s a lot of talk about how San Francisco is over, or we’re falling into a doom loop (which might be the name of our new goth night). And look, we know we got some problems, but our community has thrived during much worse (I mean, the city literally burned to the ground, girl). The Stud has been there through wars, and plagues, and good times and bad. We just want to make sure that it’s here for the next generation of San Francisco weirdos.”

    To join the already hundreds who have chipped in to donate toward the goal of $500,000, go to:

    Published on September 7, 2023