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    Two Cool Guys from Chico

    reverendIn Jenner last October, Javier and Arthur Leddy were the photographers at Kim and Karen Huckaby’s wedding, which I officiated. I was quite impressed with these two young men. Watching them work, I noted how they each took different roles taking photos without any apparent direction of one by the other. I knew that Javier was the “official” photographer from the website, so I was impressed by their easy flow and egalitarian style. Now, after talking with them at length, I can see that this is just a natural process in their relationship.

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    Both Javier and Arthur have day jobs, but Javier started his photography business so the couple could save money. Their family goal? To raise children together! The money is being set aside for their children’s future.

    Javier effortlessly connects with people. He relates to others so easily, and is a natural at working with the clients. Arthur is a brilliant multi-tasker who carries many details in his head as they work, knowing just what to do next. This makes for a smooth working relationship behind the cameras, creating magical visuals for their clients.

    The couple first met back in 2002, and immediately felt totally at home with each other. They told me that they not only fell in love with each other, but also that they found in the other their best friend. From their first date, they discovered they shared many values, ideas, hopes and visions. They’ve never run out of things to talk about. You could call their relationship a 14-year conversation. They enjoy their lives and time together so completely. Humor and lots of laughter are a big part of being around them.

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    They knew a long time ago that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, but did not want to marry until it was legal. They were patient. Arthur knew Javier loves ritual and so, on September 9, 2013, he concocted a surprise engagement party at a park in Chico with all of their families and friends there holding up a huge long banner saying: “Will you marry me?” It was, of course, a fabulous party. They married a year later, on September 20, 2014.

    Arthur and Javier have immense gratitude at being legally married and the peace of mind that brings.  They are looking forward to the whole great journey of their marriage and all of the new chapters that will unfold.

    You could have a destination wedding as Kim and Karen Huckaby did, with these two cool guys taking the photos! I really loved working with them. Please check out Javier Leddy Photography at

    Rev. Elizabeth River is an ordained interfaith minister and wedding officiant in the North Bay. Please visit or look for Marin Coast Weddings on Facebook.