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    Two Poems for National Poetry Month

    By Kit Kennedy–

    Most Nights You’re on My Case

    My body is the texture
    of your desire from feather
    to rock. I know you intimately
    mostly through your head. You,
    holy fool, trust me with your dreams.

    I’m practical. I’m decorative.
    Keep in my place; take me
    traveling. Throw me around.
    Toss me on the couch. Ah! yes,
    my clothes slip off easily.  

    Dear Wildflower,

    Let’s agree, there is nothing
    singular about wildflowers.
    These visual gems are never
    far from their tribe, bringing
    a swatch of lush color, texture,
    even fragrance. Bend down,
    smell that Douglas iris. With
    names suitable to nickname
    a cat: iris, lupine, butter cup.
    And, of course, poppy.  

    Now, imagine yourself
    a wildflower. You are rooted
    and you are wild yet never alone.
    You travel freely. You create
    community. You, hard-wired
    to survive. Close your eyes,
    dear wildflower, you the most
    cherished kiss remembered.
    Today, the sun is shining.
    Catch a breeze. Be hopeful.
    See you next year.

    Kit Kennedy is the Poet-in-Residence of the “San Francisco Bay Times” and at herchurch Ebenezer Lutheran ( ). She has published 5 poetry collections, and for several years hosted the poetry series at Gallery Café. For more information, please visit her blog:

    Published on April 21, 2022