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    Vice President-elect Kamala Harris: Throwback to 2003

    Have you ever been invited to host a “House Party”?

    In the tool chest of every campaign manager for a local political race is the quintessential House Party. The gathering, bringing together neighbors and friends interested in finding out more about the candidate, join with others in coming to the home of the host where they may enjoy refreshments, take a look at campaign literature, ask questions, and hear some words from the featured guest.

    Then comes the candidate.

    During the fall of 2003, the knock on the door, at the home of San Francisco Bay Times co-publisher/editor Betty Sullivan, signaled the arrival of Kamala Harris, candidate for San Francisco District Attorney.

    A house full of women and a few good men gave applause and cheers following candidate Harris’ remarks. Not one of them attending at the time could have predicted that some twenty years later they would await the swearing in of their candidate as the 46th Vice President of the United States and the first woman and person of color to hold the office.

    There is little doubt that every one of those who attended the House Party will be viewing the inaugural ceremony on Wednesday, January 20, either virtually or in person.

    Accompanying Harris to the party was then candidate for mayor Susan Leal. The reception was organized by Sullivan and presented and co-hosted by Ann Biderman.

    Published on January 14, 2021