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    Volunteer and Vote

    By Nancy Geenen, MA Ed., J.D.–

    In this upcoming presidential election, each of us must be proactive in our efforts to further the protections of the LGBTQ+ community, as entrepreneurs, employees, consumers, and valued members of the American democracy.

    The headlines often highlight those handful of companies that are more focused on adverse economic and political pressure than about their own employees and diverse customer base. These companies are canceling or pulling back on their DEI efforts as a response to a politically narrow constituency that is well-versed in social media exploitation and very well-funded to achieve their goals. That constituency has worked hard to make diversity a “dirty” word and poses a direct threat to the protections our community enjoys, both in the workplace and at home.

    What the headlines ignore is the plethora of companies that continue to support DEI efforts to increase inclusion and to detox biased systemic policies that appear neutral on their face and are inequitable in their application. We are not likely to see a mass dismantling of DEI initiatives. Relying on research from Harvard, McKinsey, Deloitte, and Accenture, many continue to stay the course on their DEI efforts. The data demonstrates that DEI initiatives directly and indirectly affect performance, productivity, and profitability.

    Further, many of these studies point out that consumers prefer brands that have a robust DEI program. Many of the leading companies, those that value the diversity of lived experiences and identities, are measuring their efforts, and using these metrics as part of the manager performance evaluations.

    As a community, we must be proactive and engage with our diverse supplier advocates to ask how we can work together to demonstrate that diversity is good business.

    Volunteer – 3 Ways to Help

    1. Register to vote and help others register.
    2. Canvasing – phone bank and direct mail.
    3. Create a voting plan with your friends to get to the polls!

    And vote by absentee, early, or on election day. Be counted.

    Nancy Geenen is the Acting President of the Golden Gate Business Association. She is also the Principal and Chief Executive Officer at Flexibility

    GGBA Message from Leadership
    Published on September 19, 2024