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    We Love Our Roadies

    By AIDS/LifeCycle–

    Year after year, our Roadies dedicate themselves to ensuring cyclist safety, packing up gear, serving food, providing medical care, setting up camp, staffing lunch stops, and more. These amazing volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that cyclists have a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable journey from SF to LA. Roadies do so much more than just support the logistics of the ride. They bring their energy, their passion, and their personal experiences to the event, creating an unforgettable sense of community.

    Let’s get to know a few of the Roadies who join AIDS/LifeCycle out on the route!

    Jen Reese is a two-time Rider and long-time volunteer Roadie who co-captains the Lunch Stop. She was first inspired to participate after a close friend signed up, and she hasn’t looked back since. “Riding my first AIDS/LifeCycle was a life-changing experience,” she said. Participating in the ride has given her a deeper understanding of HIV/AIDS and the vital work of organizations in supporting those who are affected.

    Dennis Beech is joining our medical team for the third time. Dennis’ motivation for getting involved with AIDS Life/Cycle is personal. His experience of losing his partner and seeing the devastation caused by AIDS in his community inspired him to support others affected. “I became a nurse in the late 1980s to care for people with AIDS. I watched AIDS go from a disease many died from to one that people now live with.”

    Rachel Freemon Sowers is an entrepreneur, visibility coach, and podcast creator who is returning to AIDS/LifeCycle for the second time but her first time as a Roadie. She participates to honor her dad, Jim Freemon, who rode AIDS/LifeCycle three times before passing away in 2019. Having ridden hundreds of miles together, she says that, even though he is now gone, “there is no closer feeling to my dad when I am on the bike.”

    These roadies, and countless others like them, are the heart and soul of AIDS/LifeCycle. Without their hard work, dedication, and passion, this incredible event simply wouldn’t be possible. So, here’s a huge shout-out to all the amazing roadies out there: thank you for everything you do to make this event a success!

    AIDS/LifeCycle is co-produced by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

    Meet the AIDS LifeCycle Community
    Published on March 21, 2024