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    Two New International Films Worth Seeing: The Rocket and Bethlehem

    Two New International Films Worth Seeing: The Rocket and Bethlehem

    Two impressive international films—one light, one dark—open this weekend in Bay Area theaters. The Rocket, written and directed by Kim Mordaunt, is an enjoyable, albeit predictable, crowd-pleaser set in the…

    ODC’s LGBTQ Night to Feature Mesmerizing Dancer Corey Brady

    ODC’s LGBTQ Night to Feature Mesmerizing Dancer Corey Brady

    Corey Brady’s performances are so focused, passionate and memorable that audiences are transported into what feels like a magical spell woven by a true dance master. With the Oberlin Dance…

    Producer and Performer Tweaka Turner, aka Michael Cerchiai, Takes Music to the Stratosphere

    Producer and Performer Tweaka Turner, aka Michael Cerchiai, Takes Music to the Stratosphere

    There are many aspects to the music industry. And within this industry there are singers, musicians, dancers, choreographers, promoters, make-up artists, costumers, advertisers, engineers, producers…the list goes on. Someone who…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez:  Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana sez, “May I be the first to wish everybuddy both a very happy, lucky St. Patrick’s Day, and also the Ides of March – if you celebrate that!…

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