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    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    By Renate Stendhal Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), the self-declared “literary Einstein of the century,” is one of the most famous and least read of America’s authors. During her lifetime, her writing…

    Local and National News Map

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Mountain View, CA – Mozilla’s Anti-Gay CEO Hastily Resigns Amid Controversy – 4.11 Just weeks after the announcement was made, newly named Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich…

    Aging in Community: Using Technology to Combat Isolation

    Aging in Community: Using Technology to Combat Isolation

    When it comes to technology, many older adults find themselves left in the dark. And yet technology can help combat one of the biggest challenges facing LGBT older adults: isolation.…

    Utah Should Drop its Appeal and Let the Salt Lake City Weddings Begin Again

    Utah Should Drop its Appeal and  Let the Salt Lake City Weddings Begin Again

    The State of Utah’s stunning admissions in last week’s oral argument before the Tenth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals and in briefs filed with the court make one thing abundantly…

    Business Outi: Ellen Van den Bergh, Manager and Senior Designer at The Great Frame Up

    Business Outi: Ellen Van den Bergh, Manager and  Senior Designer at The Great Frame Up

    We often take framers and designers for granted, and yet their work may be immortalized in your home. Perhaps you have a treasured wedding photo, or an important painting or…

    Six Ways to Protect Your Identity

    Six Ways to Protect Your Identity

    Recent data breaches at several national retailers illustrate the importance of keeping your identity safe and secure. Not only are identity thieves getting more brazen — hacking into retail computer…

    Tyranny of the Comparing Mind

    Tyranny of the Comparing Mind

    Eric tries on a new shirt and looks at himself in the mirror. “I don’t like the way I look in this,” he tells his partner, Jason. “You look fine,”…

    Feast or Fashion

    Feast or Fashion

    I began my foray into fashion very early in life. By age nine, I was already aware of making bold fashion statements, like the time I wore my “Happy Birthday”…

    Budgeting, and an Invitation to a Weddings Workshop Brunch

    Budgeting, and an Invitation to a Weddings Workshop Brunch

    Budgeting is one of the most dreaded wedding subjects. Post tax time, it can be all the more stressful for many couples. Money itself is often a sensitive subject, but…

    Jane Addams: Cultural Feminist

    Jane Addams: Cultural Feminist

    For Americans living during the first decades of the 20th century, Jane Addams seemed to be a Victorian matron: prim and proper, with a hint of lavender on her lace…