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    Goodbye, Dear Arturo! Heaven Is Now Your Greatest Stage

    Goodbye, Dear Arturo! Heaven Is Now Your Greatest Stage

    By Dennis McMillan Arthur Francis Xavier Galster, known to us friends and his loved ones as Arturo, died on Monday, August 25, at Davies Hospital. The circumstances that led to…

    What’s Wrong with Being ‘Needy’?

    What’s Wrong with Being ‘Needy’?

    Eric has been single for five years. He’s a relationship-oriented guy. He longs to connect with someone new, but he won’t let himself do it because he believes he isn’t…

    Trailblazer Ann Mei Chang Reveals Tech’s Compassionate Side

    Trailblazer Ann Mei Chang Reveals Tech’s Compassionate Side

    Ann Mei Chang’s remarkable career has taken her from Silicon Valley to the U.S. Department of State. She began as an Engineering Manager for companies such as Apple and SGI…

    Diversity in Tech? Even Apple’s Tim Cook Admits We’re Not There Yet

    Diversity in Tech? Even Apple’s Tim Cook Admits We’re Not There Yet

    Apple recently published statistics about the race and gender makeup of its workers within the U.S. To its credit, Apple is more transparent than most about such data, but the…

    StartOut Empowers LGBT Entrepreneurs to Greatness in Business and in the Community

    StartOut Empowers LGBT Entrepreneurs to Greatness in Business and in the Community

    By Jonathan D. Lovitz Success for the LGBT community nationwide is constantly being redefined. For decades, the thought of being out at work, let alone starting your own national business,…

    Sister Dana Sez: Did everybuddy survive the earthquake last week?

    Sister Dana Sez:  Did everybuddy survive the earthquake last week?

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Did everybuddy survive the earthquake last week? And have you prepared your survival kit for The Big One? At least throw a…

    Use the F Word Often

    Use the F Word Often

    After al-Qaeda murdered her husband in 2002, Mariane Pearl sought to better understand forgiveness, or as she calls it, “The F Word.” Pearl founded The Forgiveness Project, a charity that…

    Sarandon Channels Joan Crawford in Disappointing The Last of Robin Hood

    Sarandon Channels Joan Crawford in Disappointing The Last of Robin Hood

    The Last of Robin Hood, written and directed by the queer filmmaking couple Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, is a curious misfire about Errol Flynn’s (Kevin Kline) last and illicit…

    Authors Owen Keehnen and Rizi Xavier Timane Share How Writing Helps Us Heal

    Authors Owen Keehnen and Rizi Xavier Timane Share How Writing Helps Us Heal

    Michele Karlsberg: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?  Owen Keehnen: Young Digby Swank is a novel about a gay Catholic kid coming of age…

    What’s Hue Got to Do With It…

    What’s Hue Got to Do With It…

    To most interior designers, 50 Shades of Grey is less erotic thriller than a primer for choosing the perfect shade of grey.  Color is deeply embedded into the human psyche…

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