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    While SF Prices Continue to Skyrocket, Sonoma County Remains a Bargain

    While SF Prices Continue to Skyrocket,  Sonoma County Remains a Bargain

    Let’s face it. The statistic or number that matters more than any other to buyers, sellers, and anyone who wants to be one or the other is price. While national,…

    Round About – California Independent Film Festival 17

    Round About – California Independent Film Festival 17

    FAQs About ADUs

    FAQs About ADUs

    The demand for housing in the metro Bay Area is far outpacing the supply, a phenomenon that is driving inflated real estate prices even higher. There are high-rise apartment buildings…

    The Choice to Move

    The Choice to Move

    My spouse and I recently moved to a smaller home after 30 years in our beautiful painted lady on Castro Street. As we downsized, donated, gave away and sold some…

    Positive Resource Center to Honor SF Bay Times Photographer Rink

    On October 1, Positive Resource Center will present the Emerson Community Volunteer Award to San Francisco Bay Times photographer Rink, who has been photographing our community for nearly five decades.…


    “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That saying, which Plato attributed to Socrates, succinctly expresses the basic value underlying every form of personal exploration—the idea that self-knowledge is an…

    Why Marriage Matters

    Why Marriage Matters

    While I am an officiant and this is a weddings column, I am keenly aware that marriage isn’t for everyone. I try to balance my enthusiasm for rituals with the…

    Heading Toward the Supremes

    Heading Toward the Supremes

    All eyes will be on Washington later this month, as the United States Supreme Court has announced that on September 29, they will consider whether to hear one or more…

    Y-our Needs Include Our Needs

    Y-our Needs Include Our Needs

    True intimacy with another depends on our capacity to courageously individuate and free ourselves from the limiting patterns that polarize us. Missing your freedom and independence when coupled, and perusing…

    Horny Wetlands Is Not a Film for the Easily Offended

    Horny Wetlands Is Not a Film for the Easily Offended

    In the cheeky, horny teenager sex film, Wetlands, Helen (Carla Juri, in a star making performance), claims, “If you think penises, sperm, and other bodily fluids are gross, you should…

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