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    Home » 2014 » December (Page 4)

    Dream Big and Sail On

    Dream Big and Sail On

    Renowned poet David Whyte eloquently wrote, “Some things can not be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, or blown off course for awhile. Plain sailing is pleasant,…

    25 YEARS AND COUNTING! The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus holiday concerts mean so much to us here at the SF Bay Times, as they likely do to you as…

    Welcome to the Tom and Jerry Christmas Tree!

    Welcome to the Tom and Jerry Christmas Tree!

    By Tom Taylor and Jerome Goldstein We present our Tom and Jerry Christmas Tree, which has been an annual, ongoing tradition for the past 30 years. The yearly Christmas Display…

    Considering Healthcare Costs in Retiring

    Considering Healthcare Costs in Retiring

    With all the uncertainties of the future, it’s difficult for people to know exactly how much to save for retirement. While it may be relatively easy to gauge how much…

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