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    Post-Obergefell: California Same-Sex Couples and the New Era of Federal and State Marriage Recognition

    By Alma Soongi Beck, J.D., LL.M. Taxation, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization Once again, June 26 has become a…

    What Now for the Gays? Reflections on the State of Our LGBT Movement in the Wake of Obergefell

    What Now for the Gays? Reflections  on the State of Our LGBT Movement  in the Wake of Obergefell

    The Supremes have done it again. Another Pride season has come and gone, and with it, another momentous Anthony Kennedy opinion affirming the shared humanity of gays and lesbians. Not…

    Juggling the Gay (LGBTQQI) Agenda

    Juggling the Gay (LGBTQQI) Agenda

    With the recent victory in the Supreme Court for marriage equality, many are taking a moment to assess where we are as a community and where we want to go.…

    Three Ways to Simplify Your Financial Life

    Three Ways to Simplify Your Financial Life

    When life gets busy, it’s easy to become more passive about managing your bank accounts and credit cards by letting receipts, bills and statements pile up. Even if you regularly…

    Sometimes, You Just Have to Be Practical

    Sometimes, You Just Have to Be Practical

    Practical can mean many things. Maybe you’d downsize your drag wardrobe by ruling out anything that hasn’t seen the stage in a year. Or you’d skip the fries with the…

    The Story of ‘Me’

    The Story of ‘Me’

    How many of us know who we really are? After more than thirty-five years as a psychotherapist, I’ve come to believe that genuine self-awareness is relatively rare. It seems that,…

    A Decision for the Ages

    A Decision for the Ages

    The United States Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges establishing nationwide marriage equality will likely go down in history as one of the Court’s great landmarks. The Court’s opinion…

    Seven Wedding Blessings

    Seven Wedding Blessings

    As an Interfaith minister, I close most weddings with a blessing of some sort, whatever religious traditions the brides and grooms follow. It is one of the traditional elements in…

    What Would You Go After If You Had No Limitations?

    What Would You Go After If You Had No Limitations?

    Our magnificent Milky Way is among 100 billion galaxies constantly scattering apart from each other in space. One would expect gravitational pull to slow this process eventually. And yet, in…

    Don’t Miss Tangerine, Shot Entirely on an iPhone

    Don’t Miss Tangerine, Shot Entirely on an iPhone

    Frameline and June Pride are a wrap for this year, but queer films continue to play in Bay Area cinemas. Boulevard, opening July 17, is a curious, melancholic character study…

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