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    Ann Rostow: Sad Home, Alabama

    Ann Rostow: Sad Home, Alabama

    By Ann Rostow Sad Home, Alabama Here’s some big news out of the Supreme Court, where justices have slapped down the antigay Alabama Supreme Court and restored visitation rights to…

    In the News: December 17, 2015

    By Dennis McMillan LGBTQ-inclusive Companies Among Most Financially Successful It comes as no surprise to us that the most LGBTQ-inclusive companies are among the most financially successful. Logo announced its…

    Samar Hattar: Wedding Planner Extraordinaire

    Samar Hattar: Wedding Planner Extraordinaire

    Last month I had the pleasure of officiating a wedding that was orchestrated exquisitely by Samar Hattar of Blissful Events ( This was a rare treat for me, as I…

    Inspiration from Nonagenarians and Students from SF’s School of the Arts

    Inspiration from Nonagenarians and Students from SF’s School of the Arts

    For readers unfamiliar with the word—don’t worry—nonagenarians are not the latest addition to the wonderful and ever expanding alphabet soup that is the LGBTIQ movement. Nonagenarians are people in their…

    The Highs and Lows of 2015 Queer Movies

    The Highs and Lows of 2015 Queer Movies

    In 2015, the LGBT films that received the most attention ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous. On the plus side, there was Carol, out filmmaker Todd Haynes’ outstanding adaptation…

    Accepting Vulnerability

    Accepting Vulnerability

    Ted was one of the few people of color in the small midwestern town where he grew up. He was also gay, and was targeted because of it even before he…

    New Tom & Jerry Ornament Commemorates Rainbow Flag

    New Tom & Jerry Ornament Commemorates Rainbow Flag

    Tom Taylor and Jerry Goldstein, whose beautifully decorated home in the Castro is a perennial holiday favorite, have a new addition to their seasonal tradition this year. With Gilbert Baker,…

    An Important Change to a Long-standing Pentagon Policy

    An Important Change to a Long-standing Pentagon Policy

    Happy holidays to you! This is often a time for reflection and sharing. In this column I want to share some good news and reflect on how we can reach…

    Now Is the Time to Think About Your Next Tax Return

    Now Is the Time to Think About Your Next Tax Return

    Your 2015 tax return isn’t due until April of 2016, but now is the time to consider your options for tax planning. Many of the tax-saving moves you can make…

    End of Semester Thoughts

    End of Semester Thoughts

    Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts is teaching the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, according to district officials. In this column,…

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