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    Making History at the U.N.

    Making History at the U.N.

    Subhi Nahas, an openly gay Syrian refugee from Idlib, a city north of Damascus, made history recently when he and a gay Iraqi refugee addressed the first ever meeting of…

    Lily Tomlin Chats About Grandma, Feminism, Tattoos, and Getting Punched by a Punk

    Lily Tomlin Chats About Grandma, Feminism, Tattoos, and Getting Punched by a Punk

    By Gary M. Kramer As the title character in Grandma, now out in theatres, Lily Tomlin is sensational. The actress/comedian plays Elle, a poet who is in mourning for her…

    To Manifest What You Desire, Mean What You Say

    To Manifest What You Desire, Mean What You Say

    In an experiment called “The Science of Honesty,” researchers at the University of Notre Dame measured whether truthfulness impacts one’s health. The results were remarkable. Over time, subjects instructed to…

    Junk in Your Trunk

    Junk in Your Trunk

    We all have a place in our home that just seems to be in a perpetual state of disarray. It is where things that should have been given away, tossed…

    For Better, For Worse

    For Better, For Worse

    Michele Karlsberg: What is the best and worst part about being a writer? Michael Graves: I have always been a fiction writer. My father and I, when I was a…

    Welcome to Oakland Pride! By John Eric Henry At this year’s Oakland Pride, we have expanded our focus to bringing well-known headliner entertainment, while also highlighting Bay Area and Oakland-based…

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