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    Election Slates Wield Powerful Influence

    Election Slates Wield Powerful  Influence

    The California primary is coming up very soon, on June 7. Many people are talking about the presidential candidates, but it seems the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC)…

    Let’s Move Dignity Fund Forward

    Let’s Move Dignity Fund Forward

    The Dignity Fund is a proposed amendment to the San Francisco Charter that would establish a set-aside fund from 2% of property taxes to meet the current unmet and future…

    Bank of San Francisco: A Decade of Supporting San Francisco Values

    Bank of San Francisco: A Decade of Supporting San Francisco Values

    San Francisco Small Business Week is May 21–28. As presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has said, “Small business is the driving force of America’s economy … The backbone of a…

    In the News —– May 5, 2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan   Life Partners Brooke McDonnell and Helen Russell Receive Nation’s Greatest Small Business Honor The U.S. Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday named Brooke…

    Ann Rostow—- Who Watches the Watchers?

    Ann Rostow—-     Who Watches the Watchers?

    By Ann Rostow Who Watches the Watchers? One of the under-reported aspects of the whole North Carolina fiasco is that the state’s new anti-trans law, HB2, contains no enforcement details.…

    Improving Care for Pregnant and Parenting Foster Youth

    Improving Care for Pregnant and  Parenting Foster Youth

    Leeosha has been going through foster care in Alameda County since she was four years old. Although repeat shifts from one home to another caused her to rebel and fall…

    Remove Cannabis Industry Restrictions and Criminal Records for Ex-Offenders

    Remove Cannabis Industry Restrictions  and Criminal Records for Ex-Offenders

    As Oakland’s Citywide Elected Councilmember, and an advocate for the taxation and regulation of cannabis, I have been actively involved in Oakland’s nation-leading work for over a decade, to provide…

    Momentum Building as Presidential Primary Election Comes to California

    Momentum Building as Presidential Primary Election Comes to California

    Now that the Presidential Primary Election is finally coming to California, we can be excited about the opportunity to have a say in who will be our next President. As…

    Slowing Down

    Slowing Down

    Life always seems to be a little slower whenever someone you know dies or is very sick. You think about the last time you shared a moment together, the memories…

    Memorial for Eileen Hansen, Community Activist and Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club Leader

    Memorial for Eileen Hansen, Community Activist and Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club Leader

    A memorial and gathering to honor Eileen Hansen took place this past weekend at Hibernia Beach in the Castro. Hansen, who remained politically active while bravely fighting cancer, was a…