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    In the News: September 15, 2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Eight Wins for LGBT Equality The California Legislature passed the final bill of Equality California’s 2016 legislative package, a total of eight bills and resolutions sponsored…

    Ann Rostow: Get Well Soon!

    Ann Rostow: Get Well Soon!

    By Ann Rostow Get Well Soon! Hello, everyone. Are any of you as petrified as Mel and me, hanging onto the edge of the cliff by our fingernails for the…

    Ballot Badness: Vote No on Props Q, R, P and U

    Ballot Badness: Vote No on Props Q, R, P and U

    In my last column I wrote about two ballot measures that I like a lot: Proposition B (City College parcel tax) and Proposition W (Free City College). This month, just…

    Recent Naval Reunion Opened Emotional Wounds Created by Past Homophobic, Sexist Policies

    Recent Naval Reunion Opened Emotional Wounds Created by Past Homophobic, Sexist Policies

    Have you ever gone to one of your high school or college reunions? For some of you, school was a great experience, where you made great friends, and so now…

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s LEATHER WEEK! Be leatheriffic! Wear something leather! If you’re a vegan, wear rubber!”

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s LEATHER WEEK! Be leatheriffic! Wear something leather! If you’re a vegan, wear rubber!”

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s LEATHER WEEK! Be leatheriffic! Wear something leather! If you’re a vegan, wear rubber!” We traveled back to 1987 to “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYLVESTER!” at the latest installment…

    Olivia Travel Comes Full Circle with First Ever San Francisco Port of Call

    Olivia Travel Comes Full Circle with First Ever San Francisco Port of Call

    September 29, 2016, is a day for the LGBT history books. On that Thursday, popular lesbian travel company Olivia will have a cruise ship come to San Francisco as a…

    Changing the World One Smile at a Time

    Changing the World One Smile at a Time

    By Rachel Wahba It’s been a long time and we travelled many seas, and survived many storms. It has not been easy being a lesbian company, but the rewards continue…

    Olivia Timeline: From Grassroots to World’s Largest Lesbian Travel Company

    Olivia Timeline: From Grassroots to World’s Largest Lesbian Travel Company

    1973: Singer songwriter Meg Christian discovers fellow musician Cris Williamson’s record in Washington, D.C. Deeply moved, she rallies 400 fans to attend a Williamson concert. Christian starts singing from the…

    Pop, Jazz and Blues Diva Suede Continues to Defy Stereotypes as Mainstream Discovers Longtime LGBT Favorite

    Pop, Jazz and Blues Diva Suede Continues to Defy Stereotypes as Mainstream Discovers Longtime LGBT Favorite

    When the late great Bea Arthur saw Suede perform, she told the out and proud lesbian singer, “Thank you for the most incredible night of my life in an audience.…

    Three Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Knees

    Three Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Knees

    At Inside Out Fitness we are all about you feeling good in your body so that you can get moving in a way that pleases you! Knee pain can often…