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    San Francisco Spikes Soccer Club Scores Goals and Friendships

    San Francisco Spikes Soccer Club  Scores Goals and Friendships

    Matthew Shambroom has been a competitive soccer player all of his life. He also happens to be gay. For the longest time, those two qualities could not co-exist at the…

    Small Steps Rule

    Small Steps Rule

    Welcome to Inside Out Fitness, where you can find out how to make your exercise routine safe, effective, easy to do and fun! It is different than traditional fitness programming…

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Before Sarah Bernhardt, there was Charlotte Cushman. Before Nazimova and Duse, before Fontanne and Cornell and le Gallienne, there was Cushman. Only Cushman. Critics and audiences said she was the…

    24 New Honorees Selected for San Francisco’s Rainbow Honor Walk

    24 New Honorees Selected for San Francisco’s Rainbow Honor Walk

    Less than two years since 20 historic members of the LGBT community were memorialized by bronze plaques in the sidewalks of San Francisco’s Castro District, the all-volunteer Rainbow Honor Walk…

    The Real Reasons Why Wedding Rehearsals Are Important

    The Real Reasons Why Wedding Rehearsals Are Important

      As the old joke goes, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.” Rehearsals are important for weddings too, but probably not for the reasons that you…

    Ed Ruscha and the Great American West

    Ed Ruscha and the Great American West

    The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco are pleased to present Ed Ruscha and the Great American West, an exhibition that explores Ed Ruscha’s engagement with the American West and…

    LGBTQ and Ethnic Studies Courses Are Needed in All Schools

    By Lyndsey Schlax and Matt Haney A few weeks ago the legendary Castro Theatre hosted a celebration of the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to…

    Superb Venezuelan Drama From Afar Continues Trilogy About Absent Latin Fathers

    Superb Venezuelan Drama From Afar  Continues Trilogy About Absent Latin Fathers

    In Venezuelan writer/director Lorenzo Vigas’ superb drama From Afar, which won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, Armando (Alfredo Castro) is a 50-year-old man who pays young men…

    Love Embodied: Kryptonite to Hate

    Love Embodied: Kryptonite to Hate

    At this year’s San Francisco Pride Parade, we had the privilege of marching with a special contingent memorializing all those killed at Pulse nightclub in the early hours of June…

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Before Sarah Bernhardt, there was Charlotte Cushman. Before Nazimova and Duse, before Fontanne and Cornell and le Gallienne, there was Cushman. Only Cushman. Critics and audiences said she was the…