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    One ‘Last Call’ as Maud’s Turns 50

    One ‘Last Call’ as Maud’s Turns 50

    By Paris Poirier and Karen Kiss As patrons heard “last call” at Orlando’s Pulse earlier this Pride month, they were ambushed by a madman. We all know the gruesome and…

    North Carolina #NO HB2!

    North Carolina #NO HB2!

    Mandy Carter has been, as she puts it, an “out, southern, black, lesbian, social justice activist” who has advocated for human rights for five decades. A Co-founder of the National…

    The Pulse of Pride

    The Pulse of Pride

    Joining the iconic march down Market Street in San Francisco on the last Sunday in June—or down any main street anywhere in the world at a Pride celebration—to us is…

    Revised Dignity Fund Legislation

    Revised Dignity Fund Legislation

    The Dignity Fund Coalition has revised its proposed legislation for additional revenue for San Francisco’s vulnerable elders and people living with disabilities. According to the current proposal, revenues are to…

    Taking Inspiration from Diana Nyad

    Taking Inspiration from Diana Nyad

    Happy Pride Month, everyone! This is a month to celebrate our community, our families and our allies. It is also a month for reflection on what we have accomplished and…

    The Once and Still Unrequited

    The Once and Still Unrequited

    By L. Julius M. Turman Recently, when I learned that my mother would shortly die, I came face to face with both reality and illusion. Knowing that you will soon…

    SF Pride for Racial and Economic Justice, and for Orlando

    SF Pride for Racial and Economic Justice, and for Orlando

    News of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history has ripped a gaping wound in our hearts that still has not healed, and never fully will. The image of vibrant,…

    The Ultimate Team Sport: Hockey

    The Ultimate Team Sport: Hockey

    “Hockey is all about the team. Hockey culture hates individualism,” said Patrick Burke, Co-Founder of You Can Play in an ESPN interview in 2015. The Burke clan is an influential…

    In the News: —— June 9, 2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan SF Election Results for June 7 Consolidated Presidential Primary With 597 of 597 precincts in, the San Francisco Department of Elections has, as of this writing,…

    Ann Rostow: Slouching Towards Sacramento

    Ann Rostow: Slouching Towards Sacramento

    By Ann Rostow Slouching Towards Sacramento I don’t imagine any of us are particularly sympathetic to “faith-based” hostility towards gays and lesbians, right? That said, you can somewhat understand why…