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    Viva Vividly Depicts Queer Life in Cuba

    Viva Vividly Depicts Queer Life in Cuba

    The crowd-pleasing Viva, directed by Irish filmmaker Paddy Breathnach (Blow Dry), is set in the world of Cuban drag queens. The film, opening May 6, features Jesus (Héctor Medina), a…

    Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!” Sister Dana also…

    The Lavender Laureate and His Sewing Circle

    The Lavender Laureate and His Sewing Circle

    Looking out from a photograph taken a century and a half ago is a young swell who almost certainly was the first openly gay San Franciscan. He would not have…

    The Awards & Honorees

    *Image of Black Lives Matters honorees removed pending copyright permission via the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Justice Award  Black Lives Matter Co-Founders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Kahn-Cullors, and Opal Tometi…

    Don’t Miss the LGBT Party of the Year on May 7

    Don’t Miss the LGBT Party of the Year on May 7

    You don’t want to miss the National Center for Lesbian Rights Anniversary Celebration–known as the LGBT party of the year–set for May 7th in San Francisco at City View at…

    NCLR Timeline

    NCLR Timeline

    1977—Lesbian Rights Project founded (re-named National Center for Lesbian Rights in 1989)   1980—NCLR wins landmark victory in California for Denise Kreps, denied a job as County Sheriff because of…

    What a Difference 20 Years Makes

    What a Difference 20 Years Makes

    This year marks my 20th anniversary as the Executive Director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Every year has been filled with joy, heartbreak, elation, passion, and resolve. Every…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology By Elisa Quinzi The Scorpio full moon illuminates relationships of all kinds–of self to other; of the micro to the macro. The focus for us is on acknowledging and…

    Round About – All Over Town

    Project Open Hand