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    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi

    The Scorpio full moon illuminates relationships of all kinds–of self to other; of the micro to the macro. The focus for us is on acknowledging and honoring our deeper feelings to get clarity on the bigger picture.


    (March 21–April 19)

    Those recent new shoots of fiery energy now grasp to take root. Help them to do so by uncovering deeper layers to find richer soil.


    (April 20–May 20)

    You radiate magnetism now. That earthy sensuality gets put to good use to the degree that you let yourself be vulnerable. Tell someone how you really feel. You can’t win unless you play.


    (May 21–June 20)

    As you humbly shed any parts of your ego that have kept you separate from your fellows, you step into a larger framework of unity and bliss.


    (June 21–July 22)

    A truly secure future can only be built on today’s joyful moments. Swim naked by the light of the moon to realign with more soulfully congruent goals.


    (July 23–August 22)

    The world needs your charisma and your creative gifts, but be sure to take some time alone to listen to the more quiet needs of your heart. A healthier balance is calling for your attention.


    (August 23–Sept. 22)

    If you have been feeling stuck in survival mode, now is a good time to articulate the unfathomable. Let your voice express the deepest parts of yourself. This can lead to connecting the dots at a later date.


    (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

    You bring to the table more than you have given yourself credit for. As you step into your self-worth, partners and relationship choices mirror that worth back to you.


    (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

    Go outside and shake off any remnants of that old winter skin. Bathe in this full moon’s light and feel your Self reflected back. Honoring your soul’s deep needs transforms all your relationships.


    (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

    A solo retreat, meditation, and perhaps a sensory deprivation tank experience are all paths to health and harmony. Gaining the mystic’s perspective will help you to bring greater presence and purpose to your daily life.



    (Dec. 22–Jan.19)

    Finding the right community is essential, even for solitary Capricorn. Surround yourself with people who resonate with your deep authentic self, and the highest vision for your life is supported.


    (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

    The balance between the comforts and responsibilities of home-life and giving your gifts to the larger world is not easy to maintain. But such is your challenge at the moment. Your mission involves contributing to the progress of the planet, and that requires some level of exposure.


    (Feb. 19–March 20)

    The quest deepens. What you put your faith in is revealed in your day-to-day conversations. Remove any impediments that block a clearer connection with your intuition. Then bring that inner guidance system into your dialogues with the people around you. Your word has power.

    Elisa has been enjoying the art of astrological counseling since earning professional certification many years ago. In addition to astrological knowledge, she brings a high degree of conscious presence to her work, and creates a safe, comfortable atmosphere for sessions to unfold organically. Contact her at or 818-530-3366 or visit