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    Home » 2019 » April (Page 5)

    Historical Fiction and the Pansy Craze

    Historical Fiction and the Pansy Craze

    By Michele Karlsberg– As philosopher and author George Santayana stated, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The study of history is exceptionally important to the…

    A Bold New Initiative Invests in the Health of Long-Term Survivors of HIV

    A Bold New Initiative Invests in the Health of Long-Term Survivors of HIV

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– In little more than a decade, 70% of people living with HIV will be over the age of 50. Today the challenge for people living with…

    Openhouse Is Not What You Think It Is

    Openhouse Is Not What You Think It Is

          By Michelle Alcedo Openhouse is not what you think it is. It’s so much more. At Openhouse, we center the voices, experiences and histories of LGBTQ older…

    Welcome to Soirée 2019!

    Welcome to Soirée 2019!

    On behalf of the board, I’m delighted to welcome you to our 17th (!) Soirée! This event is near and dear to my heart because I started volunteering with the…

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