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    My 18 Best Travel Tips After Three Decades of Traveling the World

    My 18 Best Travel Tips After Three Decades of Traveling the World

    By Jill Cruse– Let me start out by saying that I have never been one of those who could just pack a carry-on to travel for two weeks. My hat…

    Come with Us to San Francisco Giants’ LGBT Night!

    Come with Us to San Francisco Giants’ LGBT Night!

    The San Francisco Bay Times and “Betty’s List” are very proud to once again be partnering with the San Francisco Giants for their annual LGBT Night. This year’s event will…

    AIDS Life/Cycle Is a Transformative Experience

    AIDS Life/Cycle Is a Transformative Experience

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Among participants in the AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC), there is a longstanding tradition in which riders read personal testaments—”Why I Ride”—to one another. Here is one, representative of…

    Cinco de Mayo, Round About Town and More!

    Cinco de Mayo, Round About Town and More!


    Ann Rostow: Notes from Underground

    Ann Rostow: Notes from Underground

    By Ann Rostow– Notes from Underground I have a habit of putting vague column ideas into the “notes” area on my iPhone. I’m not talking about GLBT stories per se,…

    Rocket Man: Mayor Pete’s Big Moment

    Rocket Man: Mayor Pete’s Big Moment

    By Andrea Shorter– He was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana, and is the son of an immigrant. Both of his parents were professors at the University of Notre…

    Turning to Each Other and White Plum Blossoms

    Turning to Each Other and White Plum Blossoms

    By John Lewis– As I type, Stuart’s 95-year-old mom is approaching the end of life.  Stuart’s mom was always ahead of her time. She holds degrees from UC Berkeley, the…

    When Will Enough Be Enough?

    When Will Enough Be Enough?

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– Gun violence has become all too common in our country. Nowhere is safe—not a movie theater, not a school, not a workplace and not even a…

    Saving Restorative Justice and More

    Saving Restorative Justice and More

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– The fiscal difficulties facing the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) made national headlines earlier this year. The OUSD Board voted to cut $21.75…

    San Francisco Realtor Steve Gallagher Strengthens Community in the Castro

    San Francisco Realtor Steve Gallagher Strengthens Community in the Castro

    May marks the 1908 founding of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), which got its start under another name at a surprising location: a YMCA auditorium. The founders were the…