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    The Kansas City Blues and Women’s Reproductive Freedom

    The Kansas City Blues and Women’s Reproductive Freedom

    By John Lewis– When I was rummaging through old boxes from my childhood home recently, I came upon a decades-old newspaper that piqued my interest, not only because of its…

    My Avoidant Boyfriend

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Q: When I read your columns on attachment theory (3/2/2019, 4/07/2019 and 4/18/2019 issues), I realized that your description of the avoidant attachment style fits my…

    In Memoriam

    Toni Morrison (1931–2019) Acclaimed author Toni Morrison, born Chloe Ardelia Wofford, died peacefully at age 88 this week following a short illness, according to her publisher Knopf. She was best…

    Hoarding Behavior in the LGBTQ Community

    Hoarding Behavior in the LGBTQ Community

    By Fairley Parson, LCSW– I believe that hoarding disproportionally impacts LGBTQ older adults. Unfortunately, we don’t have research that reports on hoarding behavior in the LGBTQ community. Still, given available…

    Spivy: ‘The Last of the Fleur de Levys’

    Spivy: ‘The Last of the Fleur de Levys’

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– Presenting Spivy Le Voe: chanteuse, composer and nightclub owner, whose songs lampooned “the socially prominent and insufferably snobbish,” the very patrons she sought. During the 1940s,…

    Donna’s Chronicles: As much as we hate to begin a column with an apology, we regret missing this past weekend’s activities, by and large, due to a minor, but painful foot accident.

    Donna’s Chronicles: As much as we hate to begin a column with an apology, we regret missing this past weekend’s activities, by and large, due to a minor, but painful foot accident.

    By Donna Sachet– As much as we hate to begin a column with an apology, we regret missing this past weekend’s activities, by and large, due to a minor, but…

    New Mantra: It’s Still Not OK

    New Mantra: It’s Still Not OK

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– It’s not OK. If you have been following my column over the past few years, you have been looking forward to a light, breezy, even funny…

    Say Cheese! Laura Werlin’s Guide to San Francisco’s Best Fromage

    Say Cheese! Laura Werlin’s Guide to San Francisco’s Best Fromage

    By David Landis– One of the first things that you will notice when you meet cheese connoisseur Laura Werlin in person is her ingratiating smile. Perhaps it’s because she says…

    Hidden Gems for Summer Nature Getaways

    Hidden Gems for Summer Nature Getaways

    By John Chen– Summer is in full swim, I mean swing, and the temperature is only going to get hotter. Many of you, like me, are on the lookout for…

    Secrets to the Enduring Success of Greens Restaurant and Chez Panisse

    Secrets to the Enduring Success of Greens Restaurant and Chez Panisse

    As part of its star chef-studded 40th Anniversary Dinner Series, Greens Restaurant recently featured Alice Waters of Chez Panisse, a restaurant that is in its 48th year. There are many…