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    My Last Column

    My Last Column

    By Tom Moon, MFT– It seems hard to believe, but I’ve been writing this column, twice a month, for more than three decades. While, at 71, I remain healthy and not…

    Feline Enthusiast’s Quest for His Pet to Be Declared ‘Best Cat’

    Feline Enthusiast’s Quest for His Pet to Be Declared ‘Best Cat’

    By John Chen– Bobby San Miguel’s two Bengal cats have won many ribbons over the past two years in Northern California cat shows. “Our girl Elektra is a Grand Champion…

    ‘Twas the Night of Impeachment

    ‘Twas the Night of Impeachment

    By Andrea Shorter– ’Twas sometime before Christmas, when all through the House, impeachment was stirring, to hold Trump to account; his stalking for foreign interference in U.S. elections was laid…

    Holiday Windows, Candlelight Vigil for Milk & Moscone, and More!

    Holiday Windows, Candlelight Vigil for Milk & Moscone, and More!


    Ann Rostow: Down the Rabbit Hole Again

    Ann Rostow:  Down the Rabbit Hole Again

    By Ann Rostow– Down the Rabbit Hole Again Every two weeks, before I start this column, I wind up spending an hour or so wasting time on internet listicles in…

    Two Impeachments and a Moment of Truth: Are the Democrats Winning?

    Two Impeachments and a Moment of Truth: Are the Democrats Winning?

    By Peter Gallotta– For many of us, the impeachment hearings taking place in the House of Representatives have been like a holiday gift come early. After 3 years of agonizing…

    For Pete’s Sake, Mayor Pete

    For Pete’s Sake, Mayor Pete

    By Andrea Shorter– Breaking News: The first openly LGBT Democratic candidate running for the office of President of the United States is surging in the polls. As of late, the…

    Despite Presidential Campaign Suspension, Harris Vows to Keep Fighting for ‘Equality and Dignity for All’

    Despite Presidential Campaign Suspension, Harris Vows to Keep Fighting for ‘Equality and Dignity for All’

    Senator Kamala Harris on Tuesday, December 3, announced that she is suspending her presidential campaign, but she used the initial platform, Medium, to double down on her plan to continue…

    Thanksgiving Dinner in New York: 10 People, 5 Dogs, and No Political Conversation

    Thanksgiving Dinner in New York: 10 People, 5 Dogs, and No Political Conversation

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– This is a difficult time of year to be a political columnist. Other than the train-wreck administration and “never will happen” impeachment of the current President,…

    When Did Compromise Become a Bad Word?

    When Did Compromise Become a Bad Word?

    By Brett Andrews– This most recent election cycle reminds me of the value of compromise. This most important exercise of give and take, push and pull, and learning and sharing…