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    Power of Community Needed for Virtual AIDS Walk SF on July 19

    Power of Community Needed for Virtual AIDS Walk SF on July 19

    By Brett Andrews– From its best vantage point, this moment is all about the community pulling together. Sheltering in place is an act of community. It’s also a privilege. And…

    Emin Demirci: A Genius of the Mind and Heart

    Emin Demirci: A Genius of the Mind and Heart

    By John Lewis– Every so often, you meet someone who changes the way you look at the world. One such a person for me is the highly acclaimed and sought-after…

    Disturbing Parallels: No Excuse for Hate

    Disturbing Parallels: No Excuse for Hate

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting I don’t have to tell you; our world has changed drastically. I commend our state and local leaders who took decisive action to slow the spread…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Charlie Gonzalez of CG Moving Company, Inc.

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Charlie Gonzalez of CG Moving Company, Inc.

    CG Moving Company serves the Bay Area and the entire state of California by offering smart, safe, and professional moving services. They have been in high demand, and receiving additional…

    GGBA: Facilitating Progress During Uncertain Times

    GGBA: Facilitating Progress During Uncertain Times

    By Gina Grahame– “Change is the only constant in life,” the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said. While it’s doubtful he predicted the COVID-19 virus, his observation on life is…

    Grand Reopening: The Grim Politics on Erring on the Side of ‘I Told You So’

    Grand Reopening: The Grim Politics on Erring on the Side of ‘I Told You So’

    By Andrea Shorter– U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff deserves the first “I told you so” credit. After the GOP Senate refused to remove the impeached president from office following his recorded…

    Panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt

    Panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt

    In this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times we are launching a new column on the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which was conceived by Bay Times founding contributor, San Francisco…

    Investing in the Time of Coronavirus

    Investing in the Time of Coronavirus

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– There’s nothing like a global pandemic to send stock exchanges into a whirl. Unprecedented freefalls are followed by record gains, only to drop again days, even…

    Two Lively Auto Antidotes to the Pandemic

    Two Lively Auto Antidotes to the Pandemic

    By Philip Ruth– “No, I’ve got you beat,” said a client, as we compared our losses of income during our current pandemic. Mine was the sudden torching of the classic-car…

    Antonio Rocco: Priest, Philosopher, Pornographer

    Antonio Rocco: Priest, Philosopher, Pornographer

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– Whoever said, “Truth is stranger than fiction,” could have had Antonio Rocco in mind. Someone had to do it, but it certainly seems contrarian that L’Alcibiade…

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