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    Bay Area Filmmaker’s The Half of It Is a Complete Delight

    Bay Area Filmmaker’s The Half of It Is a Complete Delight

    By Gary Kramer– The Half of It, available on Netflix, is only the second feature by out lesbian filmmaker Alice Wu—after 2004’s Saving Face—but it is worth the wait. This…

    LGBT Virtual Events, Passover and More!

    LGBT Virtual Events, Passover and More!

    Update from the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band

    Update from the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band

    By Phillip Spencer Huff– Greetings of health and happiness from the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, the Official Band of San Francisco! As musicians, we thrive on bringing people together…

    Sister Dana sez, “Testing! Testing!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Testing! Testing!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– Sister Dana sez, “Testing! Testing! (tap tap tap – is this mic on?) All of us Californians MUST get tested…

    SIP on the Eve of Phase 2

    SIP on the Eve of Phase 2

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– We have come to know the word shelter as many different things. Most of them have to do with a temporary spot. The concept of a…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Too often stories of genuine kindness…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Too often stories of genuine kindness…”

    By Donna Sachet– Too often stories of genuine kindness, heartfelt empathy, and simple giving that this global pandemic has spawned are lost in the flood of news about personal greed,…

    LaVerne Shirley’s Home Cooking

    LaVerne Shirley’s Home Cooking

    By David Landis– Those of you who know The Gay Gourmet know that even though my parents passed away a long time ago, they had a big influence on me.…

    Five Pillars for Health

    Five Pillars for Health

    By John Chen– My fellow amateur sports hacks and fans, how are you doing during our long and unexpected shelter-in-place? Did you fill out an imaginary March Madness bracket just…

    Scandals and Mystery in Hollywood History

    Scandals and Mystery in Hollywood History

    By Jan Wahl– It’s a perfect time to be swept away into intrigue, mayhem, and mystery … and I’m talking onscreen! Cinema comes through with engrossing mysteries and even mystery comedies…

    Reopening of California Begins

    Reopening of California Begins

    California Governor Gavin Newsom on May 4 announced that based on the state’s progress in meeting certain metrics tied to COVID-19 related indicators, the state on Friday, May 8, could…

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