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    Home » 2020 » November (Page 5)

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– We are being called to respond, rather than react, to the mounting tensions in the atmosphere. This requires us to withdraw our projections from onto the world,…

    Relevant TV, Internet, and Movie Characters

    Relevant TV, Internet, and Movie Characters

    By Jan Wahl– Television on YouTube is a place to easily access characters torn right from the front pages. Who could be more modern than Larry David? This standup comic…

    San Francisco Transgender Film Festival

    San Francisco Transgender Film Festival

    The popular film festival is back—online—for 2020. If you were worried about missing the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) this year, well, have no fear! The world’s first and…

    About Our Cover

    About Our Cover

    As the San Francisco Bay Times goes to press, the presidential race remains undecided, but there are numerous undisputed victories for LGBTQ candidates nationwide. We highlight three on our cover:…

    COVID, Community, and Living with Dementia

    COVID, Community, and Living with Dementia

    By Dr. Marcy Adelman– Adriana Sanchez, Care Consultant for Family Caregivers Alliance (FCA), recently shared the following with me for the San Francisco Bay Times: “Peter, a gay man in…

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