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    Pamela Means Interrogates Social Ills Through Music

    Pamela Means Interrogates Social Ills Through Music

    By Michele Karlsberg– Happy New Year. Happy Inauguration. With that, and our past president, comes to mind the Pamela Means song “Impeachment Now!” and her recently released tenth album Pamela Means and The…

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– If ever there were echoes of the dawning of the age of Aquarius, it’s now. As a multitude of heavenly bodies converge in the humanitarian sector of…

    Life and Loss at ‘Hibernia Beach’ in the Castro

    Life and Loss at ‘Hibernia Beach’ in the Castro

    For nearly five decades, the corner of Castro and 18th Streets has been an important site for San Francisco’s LGBTQ community. In 1978, San Francisco Bay Times photographer Rink documented…

    Sister Dana sez, “Join me as an eager cheerleader for President Joe…”

    Sister Dana sez, “Join me as an eager cheerleader for President Joe…”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– Sister Dana sez, “Join me as an eager cheerleader for President Joe Biden and his goal of 100 million Americans…

    Escape from the Zoom Room

    Escape from the Zoom Room

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– Have you seen the previews? It’s a new Netflix series. It has everything that makes for great television viewing. There is a fabulous actor playing the…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “If you watched the broadcast…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “If you watched the broadcast…”

    By Donna Sachet– If you watched the live broadcast of the Inaugural ceremonies last week, we hope you felt the fresh breeze we felt. The contrast in the very same…

    Joanne Weir: The Jacqueline of All Culinary Trades

    Joanne Weir: The Jacqueline of All Culinary Trades

    By David Landis– She’s the Energizer Bunny of the culinary world. San Francisco’s chef Joanne Weir seems to do it all: she authors cookbooks; conducts culinary/travel tours in Morocco, Spain,…

    Tennis: The Pandemic Sport of Choice

    Tennis: The Pandemic Sport of Choice

    By John Chen– It’s hard to believe that nearly a year has gone by since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak last March. Positivity cases and hospitalizations here in California…

    Margie Adam in Conversation with Phyllis Lyon

    Margie Adam in Conversation with Phyllis Lyon

    Recently added to the new YouTube channel of singer/songwriter/musician and lesbian activist Margie Adam is a conversation that she had with fellow lesbian and social justice activist Phyllis Lyon (1924–2020).…

    Ken Jones (1950–2021): First Black President of SF Pride, Groundbreaking LGBTQ and Social Justice Activist

    Ken Jones (1950–2021): First Black President of SF Pride, Groundbreaking LGBTQ and Social Justice Activist

    A Castro icon self-described as the “father of diversity,” Ken Jones died of bladder cancer on January 13. He was 70. Many of us learned of Jones’ passing from fellow…

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