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    Sister Dana sez, “We absolutely must take into custody those routers …”

    Sister Dana sez, “We absolutely must take into custody those routers …”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “We absolutely must take into custody those routers … er … I mean rioters that have damaged…

    History of AGUILAS

    History of AGUILAS

    By Eduardo Morales, PhD– AGUILAS is an acronym that stands for Asemblea Gay Unida Impactando Latinos A Superarse (Gay Assembly United Impacting Latinxs to Surpass or rise above). Founded in…

    Dykes With Drills: Cutting Drywall

    Dykes With Drills: Cutting Drywall

    By Julie Peri– A very useful skill to know is how to cut drywall. Drywall, also known as sheetrock, is actually very easy to cut. First, measure for where you…

    In Memoriam: Deb Gumbley (1951–2021)

    Deb Gumbley passed away unexpectedly on March 12, 2021, at her home in Portland, Oregon, leaving behind her beloved partner of 28 years, Lynne Klaeveman. Deb also leaves behind the…

    In Loving Memory of Janice Mirikitani

    In Loving Memory of Janice Mirikitani

    By Andrea Shorter– “I found that my wounds begin to heal when the voices of those endangered by silence are given power. The silence of hopelessness, of despair buried in…