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    Planning for Life Changes

    Planning for Life Changes

    By Jay Greene, Esq., CPA– Estate planning prepares us for the uncertain future of disability, incapacity, or death. A comprehensive estate plan includes a robust set of documents that ensures…

    GGBA Message from Leadership: The Future Will Be Streamed on the Metaverse

    GGBA Message from Leadership: The Future Will Be Streamed on the Metaverse

    By Terry Beswick– So many industries experienced disruptions in the late 20th and early 21st centuries through tech booms and economic busts, but nothing has upturned virtually every business and…

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Ashleigh Wilson of AuditMate

    GGBA Member Spotlight: Ashleigh Wilson of AuditMate

    Most of us take elevators for granted, until they break down. The first electric elevator was invented in 1880, and they have been critical to building construction ever since. The…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Many thanks to all those who attended the latest Divas & Drinks…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Many thanks to all those who attended the latest Divas & Drinks…”

    By Donna Sachet– Many thanks to all those who attended the latest Divas & Drinks at The Academy, where your generosity helped us to raise nearly $10,000 for Ukrainian humanitarian…

    Count Us, Include Us, Know Us

    Count Us, Include Us, Know Us

    By Dr. Kathleen M. Sullivan– California is a better place to live as an LGBTQ elder than many states. We have policies enacted into law that protect LGBTQ elders and…

    When Conservative Republicans Accidentally Tell the Truth

    When Conservative Republicans Accidentally Tell the Truth

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– Late last month, Indiana Senator Mike Braun made a stunning revelation when he declared that he disagreed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1967…

    From Adversity to Lobbying Congress and Now Leading Maitri Compassionate Care

    From Adversity to Lobbying Congress and Now Leading Maitri Compassionate Care

    By Michael Armentrout– “We’ve been told you’re gay. Are you?” This question didn’t create a dilemma because telling our truth is our right and responsibility. “I’ve never lied to you…

    LGBTQ+ Favorite Sean Dorsey Dance Performs April 8–10 in San Francisco

    LGBTQ+ Favorite Sean Dorsey Dance Performs April 8–10 in San Francisco

    Award-winning LGBTQ+ dance company Sean Dorsey Dance will soon return to the stage after more than two years! The company will perform in San Francisco for one-weekend-only, offering 5 limited-seating…

    Being BeBe Documentary at the Roxie + BeBe Zahara Benet in Concert at Oasis

    Being BeBe Documentary at the Roxie + BeBe Zahara Benet in Concert at Oasis

    Being BeBe: The BeBe Zahara Benet Documentary opened in San Francisco at the Roxie on March 31. Producer Marc Smolowitz was there for a Meet and Greet along with star…

    SF Film Festival Features Four Worthwhile LGBTQ Films

    SF Film Festival Features Four Worthwhile LGBTQ Films

    By Gary M. Kramer– The 65th San Francisco International Film Festival has announced their lineup for this year’s program, being held April 21–May 1 at venues around the Bay Area.…