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    Access for All: Vote Yes on Proposition I and No on J

    Access for All: Vote Yes on Proposition I and No on J

    By Blake Dillon — Golden Gate Park, formerly known as the “outside land” and covered with sand dunes, was initially envisioned by civil engineer William Hammond Hall (1846–1934). The city’s…

    Vote Yes on Prop D: Affordable Homes Now

    Vote Yes on Prop D: Affordable Homes Now

    By Senator Scott Wiener– While there are two similar-sounding housing measures on San Francisco’s November 8 ballot—Prop D and Prop E—only one of them will make it faster and easier…

    Middle Class Tax Refunds for Millions of Californians

    Middle Class Tax Refunds for Millions of Californians

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– October means the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has begun the process of sending $9.5 billion tax relief payments to most Californians. As Assembly Budget Chair, I…

    COVID-19 Isn’t Over: Wear a Mask

    COVID-19 Isn’t Over: Wear a Mask

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– Although it has been two and a half years since COVID turned our lives upside down, the pandemic has not gone away. The…

    Ready to Hit the Ground Running and Deliver for District 6 and San Francisco

    Ready to Hit the Ground Running and Deliver for District 6 and San Francisco

    By Honey Mahogany– I have a deep love for San Francisco. I believe that this city is one of the most magical, beautiful places in the world. This is the…

    OMG Osaka! Rainbow Festa 2022

    OMG Osaka! Rainbow Festa 2022

    By John Lewis– “Oh My God Osaka!” Those were the words I heard belted out joyously from the stage at the recent annual Rainbow Festa (or Osaka Pride) on October…

    Progressive Measures by and for Those Who Work in San Francisco

    Progressive Measures by and for Those Who Work in San Francisco

    By Avery Yu and Jen Snyder– They say in politics you can judge someone by their enemies as much as by their friends. That’s why at Red Bridge Strategies, where…

    How Latinx Cultures Celebrate Halloween, All Saints Day, and Día de los Muertos

    How Latinx Cultures Celebrate Halloween, All Saints Day, and Día de los Muertos

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– The word Halloween originated from the phrase “All Hallows’ Eve” and dates back to the ancient times after the Romans conquered the Celts. In the festival…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “See Moulin Rouge…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “See Moulin Rouge…”

    By Donna Sachet– See Moulin Rouge, the touring Broadway production that has it all … dazzling lighting, eye-popping sets, flashy costumes, snippets of a host of pop songs, all delivering,…

    My Policeman Depicts a Gay Romance in 1950s Britain

    My Policeman Depicts a Gay Romance in 1950s Britain

    By Gary M. Kramer– The fusty British drama, My Policeman, opening in theaters October 21 and available on Prime Video November 4,recounts the love triangle that develops between characters Tom,…