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    In Memoriam: Bette Schnitzer (1929–2022) – A Teacher So Beloved and Popular That She Was Known by Just a Single Letter: ‘S’

    Bette Schnitzer, the mother of Spritz Co-Founder and President Beth Schnitzer, died on May 11. Many of us here in the San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ community know Beth, who…

    Jackie Mei Ling and Chinatown’s Female Impersonators

    Jackie Mei Ling and Chinatown’s Female Impersonators

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– As a dancer, Jackie Mei Ling (1914–2000) could do it all. During San Francisco’s Golden Age of Nightclubs from the 1940s to the 1960s, he successfully…

    Resource Scarcity

    Resource Scarcity

    By Tabitha Parent– (Editor’s Note: This issue of the San Francisco Bay Times launches a new column, Bi-Coastal, which will run through August. It is written by San Franciscan Tabitha…

    What to Watch at Frameline46

    What to Watch at Frameline46

    By Gary M. Kramer– Frameline, the Bay Area’s LGBTQ+ Film Festival, opens June 16 with a screening of two episodes of A League of Their Own, the forthcoming episodic series…

    Marc Huestis: An Impresario!

    Marc Huestis: An Impresario!

    By Jan Wahl– Marc Huestis has given me my favorite moments on the stage of the Castro Theatre. So many great memories come to mind, such as being up there…

    Trans and Queer Performance Take Center Stage at 2022 FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL

    Trans and Queer Performance Take Center Stage at 2022 FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL

    San Francisco’s popular annual FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL has announced that it is expanding to a two-week online festival this year … and that all tickets will be completely free! This…

    LGBTQ Broadway Actor Honors His Jewish and Immigrant Heritage in Timely Ragtime

    LGBTQ Broadway Actor Honors His Jewish and Immigrant Heritage in Timely Ragtime

    The story told in the Tony Award-winning musical classic Ragtime is a remarkable reflection of today’s world, despite being set 120 years in the past. Tracing the intersecting lives of…

    Sister Dana sez, “May I wish a very early HAPPY FATHER’S DAY…:

    Sister Dana sez, “May I wish a very early HAPPY FATHER’S DAY…:

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “May I wish a very early HAPPY FATHER’S DAY (June 19) to all the Gay Dads and…

    27th Annual Pink Triangle

    On Wednesday, June 1, 2022, the Pink Torch Procession began in Oakland with a kickoff led by Mayor Libby Schaaf near Oakland City Hall, followed by a procession to and around Lake…

    Carnaval San Francisco 2022 – Colores de Amor

    Carnaval San Francisco was celebrated during a two-day festival, May 28–29, in a multi-block street fair and parade that was produced by CANA (Cultura y Arte Nativa de las Americas).…