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    The Castro Theatre’s Future

    By Donna Sachet– Show an image of the Eiffel Tower and immediately the city of Paris comes to mind. The clocktower of Big Ben evokes the city of London. The…

    In Case You Missed It 1.27.22

    In Case You Missed It 1.27.22

    By Joanie Juster– Donation Love Throughout the Year If you’re like me, you might have experienced a flood of emails during the last two weeks of December from every nonprofit…

    Interview with the Groundbreaking New SF AIDS Foundation CEO Dr. Tyler TerMeer

    Interview with the Groundbreaking New SF AIDS Foundation CEO Dr. Tyler TerMeer

    Tyler TerMeer, Ph.D., on February 14 will assume his role as the 8th Chief Executive Officer of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. His appointment was announced on January 4. Dr.…

    Holding the Gun Industry Accountable

    Holding the Gun Industry Accountable

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– It’s heartbreaking to hear stories from mothers like Loren Lieb, who tried to sue the gun industry for a 1999 Southern California day care shooting that…

    We Can’t Wait for Jobs and Freedom

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– In 1963, hundreds of thousands of people marched in what many now refer to as the “March on Washington for Civil Rights.” But…

    The Importance of Organizations Created by LGBTQ+ People to Meet Our Community’s Needs

    The Importance of Organizations Created by LGBTQ+ People to Meet Our Community’s Needs

    By Jack Beck– I knew I was different for as long as I can remember. I sometimes talked or moved in a way that drew attention and ridicule for being…

    Celebrating St. Valentine’s Day Across the Americas: Día de Amor y Amistad

    Celebrating St. Valentine’s Day Across the Americas: Día de Amor y Amistad

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– During the month of February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day in different ways in the U.S. compared to Latin American countries. In the U.S. there is a…

    Jacob Ittycheria Named Director of Community Engagement at Openhouse

    Jacob Ittycheria Named Director of Community Engagement at Openhouse

    Jacob Ittycheria has been named Openhouse’s new Director of Mission Engagement, the department responsible for raising revenue and bringing resources to the organization. Ittycheria was most recently the Associate Director…

    Upside Down Pyramid?

    Upside Down Pyramid?

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– January 9, 2011, was my first rehearsal as the Artistic Director of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. The ensuing eleven years have flown by. It…

    Michelle Alyssa Go Remembered During Candlelight Vigil

    Michelle Alyssa Go Remembered During Candlelight Vigil

    East Bay native Michelle Alyssa Go (1981–2022) was killed in New York City on January 15 when she was pushed in front of an oncoming subway train at the Times…