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    California’s Oldest Family-Owned Cheese Company

    California’s Oldest Family-Owned Cheese Company

    The gay-owned and operated Foggy Bottoms Boys farm is one of several small farms that supplies organic milk to the Rumiano Cheese Company, which is California’s oldest family-owned cheese company.…

    Humbolt Made

    Humboldt Made was initiated by the County of Humboldt in 2010 to spur the growth of a diverse array of makers and producers. The idea was to bring entrepreneurs together,…

    Holiday Goodies from The Foggy Bottoms Boys

    Holiday Goodies from The Foggy Bottoms Boys

    Bring some rural farm goodness to your home this holiday season, or better yet, treat yourself and loved ones to “The Barnyard Experience” at The Foggy Bottoms Boys farm in…

    Celebrating the Holidays Latinx Style

    Celebrating the Holidays Latinx Style

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– With the holiday season upon us, I am reminded how my mother first reacted to the story of Santa Claus. My sister is the one who…

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco

    By Kippy Marks– (Editor’s Note: This issue of the San Francisco Bay Times launches a new column by musician Kippy Marks concerning the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco, which…

    Bar None

    Bar None

    By Jewelle Gomez– I grew up around bars. My father was a bartender; when I visited him on weekends, his patrons greeted me with open arms though my head barely…

    Tenderloin Tessie Free Thanksgiving Dinner 2022 Will Include Music, Hair Cuts

    Tenderloin Tessie Free Thanksgiving Dinner 2022 Will Include Music, Hair Cuts

    For over 40 years, Tenderloin Tessie Holiday Dinners has fed the community of San Francisco on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Volunteers work hard to prepare a bountiful meal and a…

    Movin’ On

    Movin’ On

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– If you are an occasional reader of this column, you know I love telling stories and sometimes wacky analogies. Two months ago, I regaled you with…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “As many of our readers undoubtedly know…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “As many of our readers undoubtedly know…”

    By Donna Sachet– As many of our readers undoubtedly know, thanks to Facebook and other social media tools, we recently spent a week in sunny Palm Springs for their Pride…

    NCLR Gala Dinner & Party – 45th Anniversary

    Photos by Rink Known by many as the “Top Lesbian Party of the Year,” NCLR’s annual gala and dinner took place for 2022 on Friday, November 11, at the Marriott…