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    Soulful Up and Coming Artist Peter Feliciano

    kippyEvery now and then there is a young artist where one says, “This person has talent and is going to go places with it.” The first time I heard Peter Feliciano’s voice, at the Castro/Upper Market 2013 summer sunset series, I said, “Wow!”

    Peter’s voice conveys gentle power. His magnificent storytelling skills, with their unique twist of clear understanding, are evident. I felt his soul, and it was filled with inspiration and passion. I look forward to watching where this special artist will go with his vocal and musical talents. This is why I am extremely excited to share his personal story with all of you.

    Peter was born in 1986 in Brentwood, NY, to parents Elaine Sack and Ric Feliciano. He has three siblings, one older and two younger. His family is steeped with musical talent. Peter’s mother is a music teacher and was a professional performer. His father is also a professional musician who still actively performs.

    I asked Peter what his first experience with music was. He replied, “I can recall putting a cassette of the soundtrack to the original Fantasia (Disney movie) on, turning it up loud and running around terrified to ‘the dinosaur part’ of the Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. Just the music alone was such a powerful thing. It took me places. It created my imagination.”



    Peter sang in the school choir and played alto sax in the school band between the ages of 11-14. By the time he was 15, he had written his first song. Peter played this song for his father and brother. Peter recalls, “I remember my Dad saying, ‘Wow, son! You wrote that?’ It was a great feeling. I thought, hey, I guess I might be able to actually write songs.” And Peter started a journey of composition.

    Not surprisingly, Peter’s biggest musical influences were his parents. But he also mentions being influenced and inspired by Paco Dietz, Frank Zappa, Bjork, Beck, Prince, Chris Thile and many others.

    Peter moved to San Francisco in 2012. He explains, “I felt totally drawn to San Francisco, partly because of the logical thought that music was more accessible, as it’s proven to be, but even with that, I just knew I needed to be here. On a daily basis, I grow deeper in love with San Francisco.”

    Peter is currently performing throughout the Bay Area in multiple genres and has just started collaboration with a new band where they are putting together some awesome cover tunes and original pieces. You can see Pete and the Choir Magnificent, with Gary Kotlyar, perform this Saturday, November 2, at 50 Mason Social House at 10 pm. Peter also writes and performs hip hop choruses for Bay Area rapper Telli Prego and producer Onewerd. I encourage everyone to check out and support Peter, who is an up and coming talent.

    You can learn more about Peter Feliciano and listen to his creative style at: soundcloud/peter-feliciano, and

    Violinist Kippy Marks entertains audiences worldwide with his inspirational compositions and lively performances that draw from classical, jazz, blues and dance.