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    Herth Real Estate Fundraising Benefits Harvey Milk Academy

    A huge thank you to members of the community, including business owners (MUMC), neighbors, residents of Eureka Valley (EVNA), many people and groups from across the city, and the country…

    Top Bay Area LGBT Concerns

    Top Bay Area LGBT Concerns

    Editor’s Note: With Prop 8 thankfully behind us, many have wondered about the future of our community’s efforts, in terms of what should next garner our attention and support. We…

    History Repeats Itself

    History Repeats Itself

      January 31, 1979, at the Nothing Special Bar on Castro. That was the day that I met William (Skip) Oakes. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined…

    Welcome Home – California Men’s Gatherings – Labor Day Weekend

    Welcome Home – California Men’s Gatherings – Labor Day Weekend

    California Men’s Gatherings (CMG) is having its Summer Gathering, themed “Welcome Home,” on Labor Day weekend, Friday Aug 30 – Monday Sept 2 in the hills of Santa Rosa, CA.…

    My Vision for the Freedom March of Art

    My Vision for the Freedom March of Art

    A transformational moment for me came on September 11, 2001, when I gave up all of my former clients and made the bold decision to use my skill as a…

    Remember Them

    Remember them when you walk with freedom. Remember them when you think of liberty. Remember them when your children get on the school bus. Remember them while you sleep without…

    To Co-Exist Is Fine, But to Co-Create Is Divine

    By Gypsy Love The Native American concept of “Great Spirit” describes a sacred power that thrives within everything. While some regard the energy as “Grandfather” or “Grandmother,” not every…