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    Daniela Vega Discusses Groundbreaking Role in Oscar-nominated A Fantastic Woman

    Daniela Vega Discusses Groundbreaking Role in Oscar-nominated A Fantastic Woman

    By Gary M. Kramer– Trans actress Daniela Vega gives a remarkable performance as Marina, a trans woman grappling with the sudden death of her lover, Orlando (Francisco Reyes), in the…

    Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’?

    Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’?

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “What are the far right Repugnicans talking about when they say ‘The Deep State’? The only deep state I know of has…

    Mardi Gras Flight 420 to Land in the Castro

    Mardi Gras Flight 420 to Land in the Castro

    By Gary Virginia– If you are craving the tastes, sounds, music and traditions of New Orleans’ Mardi Gras, you need not fly 2,000 miles to the Big Easy. San Francisco’s…

    Documentary Profiles Quiet Heroes of the Early HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Utah

    Documentary Profiles Quiet Heroes of the Early HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Utah

    By Gary M. Kramer– The many documentaries about the AIDS crisis have chronicled stories both personal and universal. The honorable and inspiring new film, Quiet Heroes, which is having its…

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’ while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the White House.

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’  while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the White House.

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Hey, Trump, how dare you refer to Haiti and some African nations as ‘sh**hole countries’  while discussing immigration reform with lawmakers at the…

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Happy Queer New Year! So, how many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions? Go on a diet? Exercise more? Stop smoking?…

    Our Great Tchaikovsky Ignites LGBT Audience Feedback for Hershey Felder

    Our Great Tchaikovsky Ignites LGBT Audience Feedback for Hershey Felder

    Although known throughout the world and hailed as Russia’s national composer for his beautiful ballets Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker, to the outrageous 1812 Overture and brilliant symphonic…

    Bisexual Actor’s Real-life Romance Seen in Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool

    Bisexual Actor’s Real-life Romance Seen in Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool

    By Gary M. Kramer– Films Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, based on bisexual actor/author Peter Turner’s memoir, recounts his brief but intense relationship with actress Gloria Grahame in Liverpool, in…

    Acclaimed Quilter, Playwright and Artist Leonard Pinna Continues to Expand Creative Horizons

    Acclaimed Quilter, Playwright and Artist Leonard Pinna Continues to Expand Creative Horizons

    When members of our team first met talented Bay Area-based artist Leonard Pinna some years ago, he was working on several paintings and fine-tuning a few new plays that he…

    The Best Queer Films of 2017

    The Best Queer Films of 2017

    By Gary M. Kramer– 2017 featured no shortage of fine LGBTQ films, documentaries, and shorts that spoke to queer life in the age of Trump. Here is a roundup of…