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    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    We are doing a little happy dance here at the Bay Times. Kate Clinton is coming to town! She’ll be at the NCLR Anniversary Celebration on May 17. (See page…

    Playwright Laurinda Brown Exposes Human Nature with Grit & Passion

    Playwright Laurinda Brown Exposes  Human Nature with Grit & Passion

    Walk Like a Man dares audience goers to “strap on your attitude and dive into ten different pulsating stories from women who love the way you love, living life on…

    Chinese Puzzle Is Messy and Fragmented, But That’s What Makes It Appealing

    Chinese Puzzle Is Messy and Fragmented,  But That’s What Makes It Appealing

    Chinese Puzzle is the third film—after L’auberge Espagnole and Russian Dolls—starring Romain Duris as Xavier Rousseau and directed by Cédric Klapisch. This entry is set mostly in New York City,…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats…

    Oakland’s Café Crush Will Leave You With a Natural High

    Oakland’s Café Crush Will Leave You With a Natural High

    You know a place has to serve up healthy fare when, on any given day, it draws nutritionists, nurses and doctors—some still wearing their work garb. But the patrons of…

    Artist Spotlight: Lexa Walsh

    Throughout May, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco will be featuring a series of events with artist fellow Lexa Walsh, who is developing a map and archive of remarkable,…

    Hypnotic Young & Beautiful Penetrates Mysteries of Human Sexuality and Identity

    Hypnotic Young & Beautiful Penetrates Mysteries of Human Sexuality and Identity

    By Gary Kramer Young & Beautiful, the latest film from prolific gay writer/director François Ozon, is an exquisitely made drama that chronicles a year in the life of seventeen-year-old Isabelle…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “May 1st is May Day, which means you either celebrate by picking flowers and dancing around the May Pole, or your ship…

    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Garde Text

    By Renate Stendhal Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), the self-declared “literary Einstein of the century,” is one of the most famous and least read of America’s authors. During her lifetime, her writing…

    Jane Addams: Cultural Feminist

    Jane Addams: Cultural Feminist

    For Americans living during the first decades of the 20th century, Jane Addams seemed to be a Victorian matron: prim and proper, with a hint of lavender on her lace…