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    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Repugnicans and some dipstick Democrats have planned since the beginning to loosen the sequester in exchange for unpopular cuts to our Social…

    Not Just a Choir, but a Family

    Not Just a Choir, but a Family

    The year 1986 was huge for me. My entire life changed from being a married man with children and a Southern Baptist minister of music to an out gay man.…

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: Celebrating 35 Years

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: Celebrating 35 Years

    1970s On Monday, October 30, 1978, a hundred-plus gay men gathered for the first rehearsal of a new chorus. On November 27, 1978, shortly before SFGMC members began assembling for…

    SFGMC Upcoming Performances

    SFGMC Upcoming Performances

      December 2013 “Shine”- Celebrate the holidays with the men of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus in its first ever holiday show at the stunning War Memorial Opera House.…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s Thanksgiving, or what I like to call ‘ThanksGAYing,’ because I am thankful I am gay. Thank God I’m Gay: TGIG!” Because being gay is something to…

    National AIDS Memorial Grove 2013 Honorees

    National AIDS Memorial Grove 2013 Honorees

    LIFETIME OF COMMITMENT AWARD:  Tim Hanlon Tim Hanlon helped change the direction of corporate philanthropy in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, leading Wells Fargo to become a strong…

    Round About – All Over Town Photos by Rink

    Round About – All Over Town Photos by Rink

    Q&A with Dirk Burns, Executive Director of California Revels

    Q&A with Dirk Burns, Executive Director of California Revels

    Interview with Dick Burns Crossing religious, ethnic and other boundaries, California Revels is a Bay Times favorite. Its productions blend traditional music, dance, ritual and folk plays in magical, dream-like…

    Philomena Disappoints, But See It Anyway for Judi Dench and Steve Coogan’s Performances

    Philomena Disappoints, But See It Anyway for Judi Dench and Steve Coogan’s Performances

    Dame Judi Dench plays the title role in Philomena, a film “inspired by true events.” Her character is a working-class Irish woman who was sent to a convent as a…

    Macklemore and Lewis are Equality Champions

    Today, United Nations Free & Equal – the UN human rights office’s public information campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality – announced that hip hop duo Macklemore…