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    Remember Them

    Remember them when you walk with freedom. Remember them when you think of liberty. Remember them when your children get on the school bus. Remember them while you sleep without…

    I Need a Nap!

    By Karen Williams These days, everyone’s on some kind of health kick. We’re working out at gyms and yoga studios, talking about health and wellness, and experimenting with all types of…

    Living Legends in New Zealand: The Topp Twins

    Living Legends in New Zealand: The Topp Twins

    “It’s just another highway/Just another road-side café/ It’s just another airport/Just another train stop away/It’s just another milestone/On a long travelling day/ And how does the grass grow on your…

    Duke Ellington Lives on in Doug Ellington’s Seductive Music

    Duke Ellington Lives on in Doug Ellington’s Seductive Music

    Doug Ellington’s new album, Din In the Distance, satiates an internal longing. He asked me, “Do you ever have an agenda throughout your day, and yet there may be this…

    My Work As an Extra on “The Endless Possibility of Sky”

    My Work As an Extra on “The Endless Possibility of Sky”

    Writing about film, and interviewing actors and directors, I have gotten to know many filmmakers and performers over the years. I talk with them about their craft and how they…

    To Co-Exist Is Fine, But to Co-Create Is Divine

    By Gypsy Love The Native American concept of “Great Spirit” describes a sacred power that thrives within everything. While some regard the energy as “Grandfather” or “Grandmother,” not every…

    Sister Dana Sez

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “On May 1st, when I shouted joyfully, ‘May Day! May Day!’ – suddenly I was surrounded by several Coast Guard rescue boats.…

    “Red Lodge”: A Romantic Gay Dramady for Holiday Season Viewing

    “Red Lodge”: A Romantic Gay Dramady for Holiday Season Viewing

    By Gary M. Kramer Available now on the website and on Amazon, writer/director Dan Steadman’s film Red Lodge is a funny, sweet and touching romantic comedy drama. Jordan (Joseph…

    To Be YGBC&S

    Speak Up! Speak Out! Laugh Often! By Karen Williams To be Youthful, Gay, Black, Clean and Sober…
Not exactly lyrics to a song, but certainly words to a saga. I…