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    Sister Dana sez: “After so many instances of defending corrupt Trump, Bill Barr should be disbarred from the bar.”

    Sister Dana sez: “After so many instances of defending corrupt Trump, Bill Barr should be disbarred from the bar.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “After so many instances of defending corrupt Trump, Bill Barr should be disbarred from the bar. Hey, look at that! I just used the…

    Sister Dana sez, “Betsy DeVos just sunk to a new low.”

    Sister Dana sez, “Betsy DeVos just sunk to a new low.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Betsy DeVos just sunk to a new low. Trump’s Secretary of Education reversed President Barack Obama’s protections for transgender students in public schools. Shame! The Secretary…

    Sister Dana sez, “Trump said, ‘I think I’m very normal,’ which psychiatrists have diagnosed as ‘unprovoked denial.'”

    Sister Dana sez, “Trump said, ‘I think I’m very normal,’ which psychiatrists have diagnosed as ‘unprovoked denial.'”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Trump said, ‘I think I’m very normal,’ which psychiatrists have diagnosed as ‘unprovoked denial.’ Do sane Presidents ever need to claim they’re very normal?!”…

    Sister Dana Sez, “Illiterate, Dumbbell, Know-Nothing Trump keeps calling any opposition to him as ‘Low IQ.'”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Illiterate, Dumbbell, Know-Nothing Trump keeps calling any opposition to him as ‘Low IQ.'”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Illiterate, Dumbbell, Know-Nothing Trump keeps calling any opposition to him as ‘Low IQ.’ Does this dimwit even know that the letters stand for ‘Intelligence…

    Sister Dana sez, “The national policy of switching from standard time to daylight saving time and back again is under legislative challenge from coast to coast. Well, it’s about time! Heeheehee!”

    Sister Dana sez, “The national policy of switching from standard time to daylight saving time and back again is under legislative challenge from coast to coast. Well, it’s about time! Heeheehee!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “The national policy of switching from standard time to daylight saving time and back again is under legislative challenge from coast to coast. Well, it’s…

    Sister Dana sez, “Beware the Ides of March!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Beware the Ides of March!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “‘Beware the Ides of March!’ It’s a saying I never understood. Now I do. The Ides of March is a day on the traditional Roman…

    Sister Dana Sez, “So we suffered through T-rump’s State of the Union speech.”

    Sister Dana Sez, “So we suffered through T-rump’s State of the Union speech.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “So we suffered through T-rump’s State of the Union speech. More like ‘State of the Onion’—because we had to peel away the layers of reality…

    Sister Dana sez, “Why do we make such a fuss over Valentine’s Day? A day named after Saint Valentine, a 15th century martyr, who on February 14th was beaten to a pulp with clubs, then stoned, finally beheaded and buried. How romantic?! Puhleeeze!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Why do we make such a fuss over Valentine’s Day? A day named after Saint Valentine, a 15th century martyr, who on February 14th was beaten to a pulp with clubs, then stoned, finally beheaded and buried. How romantic?! Puhleeeze!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Why do we make such a fuss over Valentine’s Day? A day named after Saint Valentine, a 15th century martyr, who on February 14th…

    Sister Dana sez, “The Trump shutdown enters the history books as the longest government shutdown ever, and Trump threatens to declare a national emergency. Where is Trump’s heart? Oh, I forgot. He wasn’t born with a heart.”

    Sister Dana sez, “The Trump shutdown enters the history books as the longest government shutdown ever, and Trump threatens to declare a national emergency. Where is Trump’s heart? Oh, I forgot. He wasn’t born with a heart.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “The Trump shutdown enters the history books as the longest government shutdown ever, and Trump threatens to declare a national emergency. Where is Trump’s…

    Sister Dana sez, “So it’s only just over a week after the year changed, and you have already broken your New Year’s resolutions.”

    Sister Dana sez, “So it’s only just over a week after the year changed, and you have already broken your New Year’s resolutions.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity- Sister Dana sez, “So it’s only just over a week after the year changed, and you have already broken your New Year’s resolutions. Why not be a…