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    Sister Dana Sez: “Hillary Clinton has proposed the most robust pro-LGBTQ equality agenda of any presidential candidate in history…”

    Sister Dana Sez:  “Hillary Clinton has proposed the most robust pro-LGBTQ equality agenda of any presidential candidate in history…”

    Sister Dana sez, “In addition to her long record as a champion for LGBTQ rights at home and around the globe, Hillary Clinton has proposed the most robust pro-LGBTQ equality…

    Sister Dana sez, “We need sensible gun control while people are screaming about their 2nd amendment rights; but they somehow fail to read…”

    Sister Dana sez, “We need sensible gun control while people are screaming about their 2nd amendment rights; but they somehow fail to read…”

    Sister Dana sez, “We need sensible gun control while people are screaming about their 2nd amendment rights; but they somehow fail to read: ‘a well regulated militia,’ which back then…

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!”

      By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!” Sister Dana thoroughly enjoyed being the rainbow nun in the San…

    Sister Dana sez, “In case you have just crawled out from under a rock, let me announce with pride that Sunday is the biggest, queerest, bestest Pride Parade in the entire universe!!!”

    Sister Dana sez, “In case you have just crawled out from under a rock, let me announce with pride that Sunday is the biggest, queerest, bestest Pride Parade in the entire universe!!!”

    Sister Dana sez, “In case you have just crawled out from under a rock, let me announce with pride that Sunday is the biggest, queerest, bestest Pride Parade in the…

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! “

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! “

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! And that includes you leather daddies!”…

    Sister Dana sez, “Dangerous Donald Trump continues to give me nightmares…”

    Sister Dana sez, “Dangerous Donald Trump continues to give me nightmares…”

    Sister Dana sez, “Dangerous Donald Trump continues to give me nightmares. I am concerned that frustrated and burned Bernie fans will stay home out of spite and thus help usher…

    Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!”

    Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana Sez, “Mother’s Day is May 8. Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, and that includes drag mothers as well!” Sister Dana also…

    Sister-Dana2Sister Dana sez, “The Democratic Presidential Campaign is getting nasty. C’mon, we’re better than that. “

    Sister-Dana2Sister Dana sez, “The Democratic Presidential Campaign is getting nasty. C’mon, we’re better than that. “

    Sister Dana sez, “The Democratic Presidential Campaign is getting nasty. C’mon, we’re better than that. Let’s not stoop to Repugnican ways. Just tell us your platform and explain how you’re…

    Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).”

    Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).” THE SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE held our 37th Anniversary party…

    Sister Dana sez, “I think the biggest APRIL FOOL’S joke of all would have to be Donald Trump as President.”

    Sister Dana sez, “I think the biggest APRIL FOOL’S joke of all would have to be Donald Trump as President.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “I think the biggest APRIL FOOL’S joke of all would have to be Donald Trump as President. But if it’s a joke,…