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    Own Your Other-worldliness

    Own Your Other-worldliness

    At age 64, after 3 decades and 4 failed attempts, Diana Nyad was the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida in under 53 hours without a shark cage.…

    Get in the Game

    Get in the Game

    In his book Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success, legendary NBA coach Phil Jackson describes basketball as a spirit that arises when players focus wholeheartedly on something greater than themselves.…

    The Fundamental Gateway to Enlightenment Is Silence

    The Fundamental Gateway to Enlightenment Is Silence

    Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) is considered to have been one of the most preeminent Indian gurus of modern times. His teachings maintain that, by focusing intently on inner awareness, we liberate…

    Feast on the World’s Wow Factor

    Feast on the World’s Wow Factor

    In the book Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Bay Area-based novelist Anne Lamott defines “Wow” as a vital prayer of wonder. This sacred three-letter word praises the sheer…

    Let Go and Grow

    Let Go and Grow

    By Gypsy Love the time you finish reading this sentence, 10 million of your body’s cells will have perished and been replaced by others. This remarkable rebirthing process happens without…

    Manifest Your Soulful Mission

    Manifest Your Soulful Mission

    By Gypsy Love Humankind has always rooted for the underdog. We draw strength from David’s gallant victory over Goliath. We hail the heroism of a hobbit, and find fortitude in…

    Think Futuristic Fantasy: “Use The Force”

    Think Futuristic Fantasy: “Use The Force”

    In the epic Star Wars series created by George Lucas, “The Force” is described as a binding, ubiquitous energy field flowing through all living things. When harnessed, its power can…

    Success Stems from Happiness

    Success Stems from Happiness

    Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Robert Holden dedicates his life to studying happiness. Holden maintains that happiness doesn’t result from success. Rather, success stems from happiness. He states, “The reason…

    Be the Master of Your Own Dream

    The Toltec civilization of ancient Mexico was a society of artists, scientists, and spiritualists formed over 2,000 years ago. Dedicated to the masteries of awareness, transformation and intent, Toltecs determined…

    Be a Warrior of Love

    Be a Warrior of Love

    The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers is a global alliance of native female elders who, despite their different languages and cultures, share a common mission. By educating communities across…