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    Dive Into Underlying Desires

    Dive Into Underlying Desires

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) There, there, Aries. Believe it or not, these unexpected detours do serve a purpose. Now you’ve discovered where to purge pesky roadblocks that impede…

    Confront Darkness to Create Precious Light

    Confront Darkness to Create Precious Light

    Lightning storms in outer space are transforming methane into soot, which hardens into chunks of graphite that toughen over time. The result? “Diamond rain.” Scientists estimate that 1,000 tons of…

    Invite Your Shadow to the Coming Out Party

    Invite Your Shadow to the Coming Out Party

    “No one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves,” Marianne Williamson once said. While Mercury is retrograde for most of this month, it is imperative that we open…

    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Academy Award-winning actress and spirited social activist Susan Sarandon has publicly attributed her remarkable success to one important fact: None of her best-laid life plans ever panned out. Ultimately, something…

    Question Reality

    Question Reality

    Listen to the whisper of the Universe and echo what you hear with a gentle tongue. The present beckons us to bring a childlike curiosity into our everyday life, thus…

    Eliminate Labels, Erase Expectations

    Eliminate Labels, Erase Expectations

    Revolutionary philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti warned us that the moment you teach a child that a bird is called “bird,” the child would never see the bird again. This concept is…

    Struggling Vines Produce Better Wine

    Struggling Vines Produce Better Wine

    As an astrologer who owns a metaphysical store, I have all the appropriate language to give you a feel-good, rainbows, dolphins, and unicorns kind of positive reframe. But in good…

    Kneel Only to Truth, Follow Only Beauty, and Obey Only Love

    Kneel Only to Truth, Follow Only Beauty, and Obey Only Love

    Lebanese-born Kahlil Gibran’s philosophical 1923 classic The Prophet gained phenomenal popularity in America’s 1960s counterculture and New Age movements. Because Gibran’s creative stylings courageously defied classical cultural standards, he’s regarded…



    (Editor’s Note: In this issue, we welcome intuitive astrology consultant Linda Amburgey to the “Bay Times.” Both she and Gypsy Love will be reading the stars for you in their…

    Heed Rumi’s Timeless Teachings

    Heed Rumi’s Timeless Teachings

    Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic. His profound celebration of a divine and all-inclusive love has transcended national and ethnic borders. Over 800 years…