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    Subject Matter and Theme

    Subject Matter and Theme

    Michele Karlsberg: What is the difference between subject matter and theme in your work? Steven Cordova: Subject matter is a stepping-stone on the way to theme. Without subject, there’s no…

    Twenty years? Already?

    Twenty years? Already?

    By Jim Van Buskirk The universal response when people hear about the 20th anniversary commemoration of the opening of the James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center is, “Twenty years?…

    All or Nothing

    All or Nothing

    A small exercise step is the heart of Inside Out Fitness. Over time you will string together more and more small steps and find yourself to be someone who is…

    Tales of Our City: Our Lives, Our Heroes Takes SFGMC and the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony to a Whole New Level of Excellence

    Tales of Our City: Our Lives, Our Heroes Takes SFGMC and the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony to a Whole New Level of Excellence

    Sometimes, we get caught “telling tales out of school.” For you youngsters, that means to gossip or throw shade. Well, there will be none of that “out of school” business…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Happy astrological New Year, everyone! We start spring with a bang, the hero’s journey being one of daring forth on an even more authentic path now. As we are willing…

    I Said That?

    I Said That?

    Inside Out Fitness is an intuitive, internally directed approach to exercise. Previously, we looked at the benefits of being internally directed about fitness. The best benefit is that you end…

    Grappling: Ground Zero Defense

    Grappling: Ground Zero Defense

    You’ve just said goodbye to your friends after a fantastic night out. You don’t have a care in the world and nothing can get you down. It’s the best feeling…

    Overcoming Chronic Resentment

    Overcoming Chronic Resentment

    Q: I’ve been with my husband for almost fifteen years. We don’t have any major problems like physical abuse, or cheating, or drugs. I really love him and I know…

    Great Expectations

    Great Expectations

    Last week I was Skyping with a couple whose wedding is this upcoming Pride Weekend. They had initially contacted me in January, eager to start planning. Just one month later,…

    Bouquets to Art 2016 Photos courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

    Bouquets to Art 2016  Photos courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

    More than 125 of the Bay Area’s most innovative and sought after floral designers have returned to the de Young for Bouquets to Art 2016, the annual week-long exhibition in…