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    Pride and More

    Pride and More

    By David Landis, The Gay Gourmet– First off, it’s great to be back writing this column, with a new bionic knee, no less. Thanks to all the loyal readers who…

    Terah Bajjalieh Creates Pride-Worthy Wines With Her Signature Stamp of Elegance and Diversity

    Terah Bajjalieh Creates Pride-Worthy Wines With Her Signature Stamp of Elegance and Diversity

    In my capacity as host of KQEDs, Check Please! Bay Area, and my wine writing work, I’m so lucky to meet fascinating people from around the San Francisco Bay Area.…

    Save the Date for the Sainting of Leslie Sbrocco!

    Save the Date for the Sainting of Leslie Sbrocco!

    On August 30, 2024, at The Academy SF, television personality, author, and internationally renowned wine and spirits authority Leslie Sbrocco—who is also a San Francisco Bay Times columnist—will be sainted…

    Pulse Memorial – Remembering the 49

    Pulse Memorial – Remembering the 49

    Photos by Rink On Wednesday, June 12, a memorial was held in the Castro to remember the lives of the 49 LGBTQ individuals who died in the shooting at Pulse…

    Round About – Pride All Over Town

    Round About – Pride All Over Town

    Photos by Rink San Francisco Bay Times lead photograph Rink is extra busy during Pride month, capturing images from events, businesses, and more. Round About TownPublished on June 27, 2024…

    The World Is Watching

    The World Is Watching

    By Joanie Juster– Pride Month is finally here, and we are awash with rainbows. Looking around San Francisco (and my Facebook page), I see joy and pride everywhere. There are…

    Honorary Recognitions Presented to AGUILAS for 30 Years of Community Service

    Honorary Recognitions Presented to AGUILAS for 30 Years of Community Service

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– At the 30th Anniversary Celebration of AGUILAS providing services to the community, held on May 24, 2024, there was a large crowd of supporters who cheered…

    Goth for All

    Goth for All

    By Jewelle Gomez– Gothic fiction and horror are, unfortunately, often dependent on the damsel in distress trope: the mad wife in the attic; the beautiful virgin who becomes the object…

    Picky Is as Picky Does

    Picky Is as Picky Does

    By Leah Garchik– I decided to serve Waldorf salad for the first course at a dinner party we had some years ago, when there were 10 or so guests seated…

    Summer Squash

    Summer Squash

    By Debra Morris– Round, long, crooked neck, straight, dark green, light green, yellow, multicolor, two-tone—the varieties are endless! Summer squash has names like pattypan, zucchini, zephyr, crook neck, straight neck, Italian,  globe (eight ball), Tatuma,…