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    2014 Fresh Meat Festival Brings Award-Winning LGBT Performers to the Stage

    2014 Fresh Meat Festival Brings Award-Winning LGBT Performers to the Stage

      Gender-bending ballroom, a gay vogue-off, transgender hip-hop, grav­ity-defying trapeze, thundering taiko and queer Bomba? It must be the Fresh Meat Festival of transgender and queer perfor­mance—the only event of…

    Federico García Lorca: Deep Songs of the Soul

    Federico García Lorca: Deep Songs of the Soul

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– More has been written about Andalusian poet, musician, playwright and artist Federico García Lorca than any Spanish author except Miguel de Cervantes, who had the advantage…

    Ring Them Bells

    Ring Them Bells

    Since June is upon us and Gay Pride and marriage equality are on my mind, I am taking a break from remodeling to share some of my favorite ideas for…

    Heard on the Street…

    Heard on the Street…

    Compiled by Rink If you were in Beach “Blanket Babylon,” which character would you be? Alice Heimsoth “Glinda the Good Witch”  Frank Woo “Mr. Peanut, because of my love of…

    What to Expect When You’re Inspecting

    What to Expect When You’re Inspecting

    I attend as many of my clients’ home inspections as possible. One reason is that I care. The other reason is to learn the basic things to look for prior…

    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Gypsy Love: Be Open to Exploring Unexpected Options

    Academy Award-winning actress and spirited social activist Susan Sarandon has publicly attributed her remarkable success to one important fact: None of her best-laid life plans ever panned out. Ultimately, something…

    What Makes Us Happy?

    What Makes Us Happy?

    No question that we can ask is more important in helping us direct our lives than “What will make me hap­py?” But few of us ever seriously con­sider the question,…

    Getting to “I DO”: Sharing Stories to Change Hearts and Minds

    Getting to “I DO”: Sharing Stories to Change Hearts and Minds

    Over the course of the marriage equality movement, one key thing we’ve learned in state after state is that sharing our stories with others is critical. The single most powerful…

    Don’t Miss NCLR’s Anniversary Celebration May 17, 2014, in San Francisco

    Don’t Miss NCLR’s Anniversary Celebration May 17, 2014, in San Francisco

    What are you doing May 17? Join the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) in San Francisco as it honors heroes and celebrates victories in the movement for LGBT equality.…

    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    We are doing a little happy dance here at the Bay Times. Kate Clinton is coming to town! She’ll be at the NCLR Anniversary Celebration on May 17. (See page…