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    Relatively Speaking

    Relatively Speaking

    So…just how many lesbians does it take to feel like family? I’m not sure of an accurate number, yet I can tell you that our memorial celebrations feel like a…

    Putting the Toyota Highlander and the 4Runner to the Butch/Femme Test

    Putting the Toyota Highlander and the 4Runner to the Butch/Femme Test

    Butch or femme? People usually have strong preferences either way, but something on the opposite side can still catch your eye. That’s the case with these two seven-seat Toyotas: the…

    Can I Learn to Control My Drinking?

    Can I Learn to Control My Drinking?

    Q: I spent my twenties and most of my thirties getting loaded. It was crystal meth that finally brought me to my knees. I haven’t used that in a year,…

    Dressing Up Your Ceremony

    Dressing Up Your Ceremony

    If you are the romantic type, you will want to have poems, quotations, song lyrics, and the like in your ceremony. Of course, your own writing would be fabulous! But,…

    Question Reality

    Question Reality

    Listen to the whisper of the Universe and echo what you hear with a gentle tongue. The present beckons us to bring a childlike curiosity into our everyday life, thus…

    Real Estate: What’s Happening

    Real Estate: What’s Happening

    REAs I was looking for some possible topics to discuss this month, I came across a collection of ideas posted on the website for the California Association of REALTORS® (CAR).…

    Vicious Cycle: Here Comes the Neighborhood

    Vicious Cycle: Here Comes the Neighborhood

    From the Harvard Review, July 26, 2012: The addition of one same-sex couple for every 1,000 households is associated with a 1% increase in home prices in US neighborhoods that…

    Five Design Trends for Today and Tomorrow

    Five Design Trends for Today and Tomorrow

    An important part of my job as a designer is to spot emerging trends in the marketplace and to help my clients decide if these trends are right for their…

    Don’t Take It Personally

    Don’t Take It Personally

    Henry maneuvers his shopping cart into the shortest checkout line in the market. He’s tired and hungry after a long day’s work, and in a hurry to get home and…

    No Such Thing As a Perfect Mate

    No Such Thing As a Perfect Mate

    I don’t ask couples why they’re getting married. Should it matter to me as their officiant? Some tell me that they want to share the love they’re feeling with family…