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    The Gay Gourmet Receives 2023 SF Press Club Honor

    The Gay Gourmet Receives 2023 SF Press Club Honor

    Congratulations to David Landis, The Gay Gourmet for the San Francisco Bay Times, who was recently honored by the SF Press Club. As part of the club’s 2023 Journalism Awards,…

    Pedaling With Puro Pinche Papi

    Pedaling With Puro Pinche Papi

    By AIDS/LifeCycle– Charlie Arreola and Alfredo Trejo III are participating in AIDS/LifeCycle this year as part of the team Puro Pinche Papi, one of a handful of BIPOC-led teams that…

    California Citrus for the Holidays

    By Debra Morris– Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, and pomelos are here to brighten up the holidays. Mandarins and oranges are available in large quantities, little kumquats fill bins and boxes,…

    The Gay Gourmet’s 2023 Culinary Holiday Gift Guide

    The Gay Gourmet’s 2023 Culinary Holiday Gift Guide

    By David Landis– You can almost hear those sleigh bells jingling because it’s that time of year again. Holiday fever is taking hold! So, the Gay Gourmet has compiled some…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “We appreciate the many who noticed our absence in the last issue…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “We appreciate the many who noticed our absence in the last issue…”

    By Donna Sachet– We appreciate the many who noticed our absence in the last issue of this publication, our first missed column in years, due to a stubborn and debilitating…

    AGUILAS Staff Is Here to Help During the Holidays and Beyond

    AGUILAS Staff Is Here to Help During the Holidays and Beyond

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– The holiday season can generate a variety of feelings and emotions. At AGUILAS, we continue to provide individual counseling sessions and group interventions in English, Spanish,…

    This Is What an Old Lesbian Looks Like

    This Is What an Old Lesbian Looks Like

    By Jewelle Gomez– The title of this piece is emblazoned on t-shirts of the members of Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC). When I wear it, the shirt gets many…

    F1 Racing Wrap Up, 49ers Charging Up, and Rivalry Week in College Football

    F1 Racing Wrap Up, 49ers Charging Up, and Rivalry Week in College Football

    By Colby Michaels– F1 Grand Prix Season Wrap Up In auto racing news, the final F1 Grand Prix (GP) race of the season was the inaugural F1 GP race on…

    San Francisco Fog Rugby Players Get Naked to Welcome 2024

    San Francisco Fog Rugby Players Get Naked to Welcome 2024

    By John Chen– “For the first time ever, Fog Rugby plans to release a sexy 2024 Calendar to help increase our football club’s visibility, promote our amazing sport, raise body…

    Dancers & Drinks: Episode 1

    Dancers & Drinks: Episode 1

    David Landis, The Gay Gourmet at the San Francisco Bay Times, has created a new video series, Dancers & Drinks! Each episode will present a professional dancer sharing a favorite…