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    A Fantastic New Exhibit and Book About Our Shared Humanity: – 15 years of the hapa project

    A Fantastic New Exhibit and Book About Our Shared Humanity: – 15 years of the hapa project

    By Stuart Gaffney How many times has a stranger on the street asked you the question, “What are you?”—as if you looked like you were from outer space? In fact,…

    Keeping Score of the San Francisco Mayor’s Race

    Keeping Score of the San Francisco Mayor’s Race

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer I’m a sports superfan. I’ll watch, and sometimes play, anything that involves a ball or a puck: baseball, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, rugby, football, volleyball and…

    Resist. Rebuild. Give OUT!

    Resist. Rebuild. Give OUT!

    By Roger Doughty As LGBTQ people, we find ourselves at a moment in history when we all need to stand up and be counted. That means resisting. That means saying…

    This Month at the Castro Farmers’ Market

    This Month at the Castro Farmers’ Market

    Farm-Fresh Eggs in a Rainbow of Colors Have you ever wondered why chicken eggshells naturally come in different colors? Some really beautifully colored eggs can be found at your farmers’…

    Success with Physical Therapy

    Success with Physical Therapy

    By Cinder Ernst I love physical therapy. It’s the best thing for you when your body hurts. Physical therapists have a way of “reading” what’s going on in your body.…

    2,500 Shades of Grey

    2,500 Shades of Grey

    By Fairley Parson, LCSW– Recently I attended the annual Aging in America Conference, hosted by the American Society on Aging (ASA). Movie puns aside, aging issues are multifaceted, and dare…

    The Untold Story of the Robert Kennedy Funeral Train

    The Untold Story of the Robert Kennedy Funeral Train

    By John Lewis– It was 8 am on the morning of June 5, 1968. I was 9 years old and sat at the kitchen table in our house in Kansas…

    Giving Thanks to Our Elder Agents of Change

    Giving Thanks to Our Elder Agents of Change

    By Andrea Shorter– The San Francisco Bay Area is rich and abundant with the struggles and histories of legions of people who dedicated their time and energy to nearly every…

    Legs and Buttocks at the United States Gay Open

    Legs and Buttocks at the United States Gay Open

    By John Chen– At my gym several years ago, a couple of body builders approached me with obvious anxiety and trepidation. Unsure about what was to come, I broke the…

    ‘I Believe That Children Are Our Future’

    ‘I Believe That Children Are Our Future’

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– In November of 2017, I wrote a column entitled “Enough Already, We Need Stricter Gun Control” ( Last month, in response to the tragic mass shooting…